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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1916] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 939 the absence of a rule of the Board of Trustees of the University requiring immunization, it was the opinion of the State Board of Health that a rule making vaccination against smallpox and immunization against typhoid fever a prerequisite for employment at the State University is very desirable. Judge O. A. Harker, the Counsel of the University, expressed the opinion, in answer to a direct inquiry, that the Board of Trustees of the University would be within its rights in establishing a regulation requiring employees handling food' products to be immunized against typhoid fever. Mr. McConn, in conference with Prof. Harding, Prof. Isabel Bevier, of the Department of Household Science, and Dr. J. H. Beard, our Medical Examiner, recommend the following rule to the Board of Trustees for their adoption; namely: Employees of the University of Illinois whose duties require them to handle food products shall be required to be immunized against typhoid fever. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this rule was adopted. C H A N G E S IN T H E CURR1CULUMS IN P H A R M A C Y . (11) A recommendation from Mr. W. B. Day, Acting Dean of the School of Pharmacy, that certain changes be made in the curriculums in the School of Pharmacy; first, that the shorter curriculum be lengthened to two years of eight months each, instead of two years of seven months each, as at present; and second, that the longer curriculum be extended to three years of eight months each, instead of two years of nine months each, as at present, to take effect for the coming academic year, 1916-17. On motion of Mrs. Evans, these recommendations were approved to take effect when directed by the President of the University. R E S I G N A T I O N OF MRS, CONSTANCE B A R L O W - S M I T H . (12) A letter from Director J. L. Erb, presenting the resignation of Mrs. Constance Barlow-Smith from her position as Assistant Professor of Music. Mrs. Smith has done most faithful and excellent service for the University for 13 years, 1903-1916. It is with regret that I must recommend the acceptance of this resignation. I know that the members of her family have been urging her persistently for the past four or five years to give up this work. On motion of Mrs. Busey, this resignation was accepted, and it was voted that a statement of the gratitude of the Board of Trustees for her services, and regret that she is leaving, be sent to Mrs. Smith. L E A V E OF A B S E N C E FOR D E A N KINLEY. (13) A request from Dean David Kinley for leave of absence from the University from June 17, 1916, until the beginning of the second week of October, 1916, to enable him to make a trip to South America to secure cooperation in the preparation of monographs' on matters of economic policy of common interest to the American Republics, the work to be carried out under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment, which will pay his expenses, but allows him no remuneration. On motion of Miss Watson, this request was granted. F U R N I T U R E FOR CERAMICS B U I L D I N G . (14) A request from the Supervising Architect for an appropriation to complete the furniture and equipment of the Ceramics Building, amounting to $6,280. On motion of Mr. Carr, this appropriation was made, by the followingvote: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Small, Mr. Trevett. GIFTS OF E N G I N E E R I N G A P P A R A T U S . (15) A statement that the Crane Company, of Chicago, has presented to the Department of Mechanical Engineering a complete exhibit of sectional valves, steam taps, etc., the value of which is estimated at $500. The Babcock and Wilcox Company, of Bayonne, New Jersey, has presented to the Department of Mechanical Engineering a test drill for experimental purposes, the value of which is estimated at $150. On motion of Miss Watson, these gifts were accepted and the thanks of the Trustees were extended to these companies. On motion of Mrs. Henrotin, the Secretary was instructed to provide a suitable book in which all gifts to the University should be recorded. CONSTANCE B A R L O W - S M I T H C O L L E C T I O N . (16) An announcement that Mrs. Constance Barlow-Smith proposes to present to the University a collection of musical scores, manuscript, books, and portraits, which will be of interest not only to students in music but also to other students in the University. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this gift was accepted with thanks; this collection to be known as the Constance Barlow-Smith Collection.
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