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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
930 TJ:NIVEKSITY QP ILLINOIS. Human Anatomy 1 (Zoology 7), $5 (new). Human,Anatomy 2, $5 (new). Yours very truly, THOMAS A. [Apr. 19, CLARK, On motion of Mr. Hoit, these fees were approved. Secretary, Council of Administration. ADVISORY BOARD, R A I L W A Y INDUSTRIES' OF I L L I N O I S . (4) A request from Dean W. F. M. Goss, of the College of Engineering, that the Trustees authorize the appointment of an Advisory Board of the College of Engineering for the Railway Industries of Illinois, and that the following persons be appointed members of this board: Mr. W. A. Gardner, President of the Chicago & Northwestern R. R. Mr. Hale Holden, President of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Mr. W. G. Bierd, President of the Chicago and Alton R. R. Mr. W. B. Storey, Vice President of the Santa Fe R. R. Mr. C. H. Markham, President of the Illinois Central R. R. On motion of Mr. Hoit, the President of the University was authorized to establish this board, and the persons nominated above were appointed for a term- of three years. ADMISSION A N D G R A D U A T I O N , COLLEGE OF L I B E R A L A N D SCIENCES. ARTS (5) Certain recommendations from the University Senate concerning changes in the requirements for admission to and graduation from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: April 5, 1916. President Edmund J. James. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: The University Senate, at its meeting of April 3, 1916, approved the following recommendations of the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences with reference to changes in the graduation and admission requirements of that College. CREDIT FOR COURSES OFFERED IN OTHER COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. I. That the following be substituted for paragraph 3, page 135, of the Annual Register for 1915-16 : 3. A limited amount of credit towards the A.B. degree may be secured for courses offered in other colleges and schools of this University as follows: COLLEGE OP AGRICULTURE. Agricultural Extension 1 (High School Agriculture) ; Agronomy 9 (Soil Physics), 11 (Soil Biology), 12 (Soil Fertility), 22 (Plant Breeding) ; Animal Husbandry 7 and 31 (Animal Nutrition), 30 (Genetics) ; Dairy Husbandry 11, 12a12b (Dairy Bacteriology) ; Horticulture 9 (Forestry), 12 (Horticultural Evolution), 36 (History of Landscape Gardening), 37a (Civic Design), 42 (Landscape Design). The total credit allowed in courses in agriculture may not exceed 14 hours. Students taking their major in entomology may take 20 hours in the above courses in agriculture, with the addition of Agronomy 7 and 25, and Horticulture la, lb. 2, 3, 6, and 7. COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. Accountancy l a - l b (Principles of Accounting), 13 (Municipal Accounting) ; Business Organization 1 (Business Organization), 9 (Commercial and Civic Organizations) ; Business Law l a - l b (Commercial Law—no credit given to students in the combined arts-law curriculum) ; Economics, all courses except 9, 14, 15, 32, 34; Transportation 1 (U. S. Transportation System), 2 (Transportation Policy). The total credit allowed for courses in commerce may not exceed 40 hours. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Architecture 13, 14, 15, 16 (History of Architecture), 31, 32 (Architectural Drawing) ; Civil Engineering 27 and 28 or 33 .and 34 (Surveying), 94 (Highway Administration) ; Drawing, General Engineering 1 (Elements of Drafting), 2 (Descriptive Geometry) ; Electrical Engineering 4 and 64 or 8 and 68 ; Mechanical Engineering, 11, 12 (Thermodynamics), 30 (Mechanics of Machinery) ; Mechanics, Theoretical and Applied, all courses. The total credit allowed in engineering courses may not exceed 24 hours. COLLEGE OF LAW. A student who has senior standing in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may take and count the first full year of law work for thirty hours of credit toward the A.B. degree, or, if he takes and successfully carries less than the full amount, it shall be counted only hour for hour toward the A.B. degree. Law 14 (Carriers), 24 (Municipal Corporations), 28 (Insurance), and 34 (Public Utilities) are open to students doing major work in political science or economics who have had a previous course in law or political science involving the study of cases. Courses in law may not be taken before the senior year by students enrolled in this college, and in no case may the total credit allowed toward graduation exceed 30 hours. LIBRARY SCHOOL. Library Science 2a-2b, or 12 (Reference), 7 (History of Libraries), 9 (Bookmaking), 13a-13b (Public Documents).
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