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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
926 UNIVBKSITY OF ILLINOIS. - [Mar. 14, 3. That if this course seems impracticable the Trustees definitely announce their policy of caring for our needs as they arise by temporary construction, of which we should have 50,000 square feet as soon as it can be erected, and as much moro in the immediate future. It may be argued that we must not ask what the State may be unwilling to give. My answer is that We have no responsibility at that point. It is for the Legislature, not the University, to decide what the State will do. Nor are we responsible for the conditions that confront us. They have been created by the people who evidently intend to send their sons and daughters to the University of Illinois for an education. "We have but one responsibility in the premises and that is to let the facts be known, with/ a definite proposition for an adequate solution of the situation. If the State refuses to act we are absolved, and may do any thing, even to refusing students: otherwise, we assume a responsibility that is theirs, not ours. Very respectfully submitted, E. DAVENPORT, Dean and Director. This communication was received for record. At this point Mr. Blair withdrew. STANDING COMMITTEES, 1916-17. The list of standing committees of the board, reappointed by President Abbott on March 16, 1916,* is printed here in accordance with Article IV, section 5, of the by-laws of the board: Buildings and Grounds. William L. Abbott, Chairman; Mary E. Busey, Robert F. Carr, Laura B. Evans, Robert R. Ward. Otis W. Hoit, Chairman; Ellen M. Henrotin, Len Small, John R. Trevett, Robert R Ward. Engineering. John R. Trevett, Chairman; Robert P. Carr, William L. Abbott. Agriculture. Len Small, Chairman; Otis W. Hoit, John R. Trevett. College of Medicine and School of Pharmacy. Laura B. Evans, Chairman ; William L. Abbott, Otis W. Hoit. Students' Welfare. Ellen M. Henrotin, Chairman; Mary E. Busey, Laura B. Evans, Florence E. Watson. Instruction. Francis G. Blair,' Chairman; Robert R. Ward, Florence E. Watson. Library. Mary E.- Busey, Chairman ; Ellen M. Henrotin, Florence E. Watson. T H E REGISTRAR'S REPORT OF FEES PAYABLE FIRST SEMESTER, 1915-16. The Secretary of the board presented for record the report of fees payable during the first semester for the academic year 1915-16, as compiled by the Registrar, Mr. C. M. McConn: Matriculation Fees— 1507 @ $10 ' Refund 106 @ $10 Total, matriculation fees Incidental Fees— 3983 @ $12 2 @ $6 (one-half) Refund 148 @ $12 Refund 38. @ $6 (one-half) Total, incidental fees Tuition Fees— 449 @ $7.50 Refund 105 @ $7.50 Refund 13 @ $3.75 (one-half) 81 @ $25.00 (Law) 5 @ $12.50 (Law, one-half) Refund 1 @ $25 9 @ $5 (courses, Law) '. . $15,070 00 : $15,070 00 47,796 00 12 00 1,776 00 228 00 $1,060 00 $1,060 00 $1,060 00 $14,010 00 $47,808 00 3,367 50 2,025 00 62 50 45 00 $2,004 00 $2,004 00 787 50 48 75 25 00 $45,804 00 $861 25 Total, tuition fees $5,500 00 $861 25 $4,638 75 Total, general fees $68,378 00 $3,925 25 $64,404 75 * The Secretary received the following letter on March 17, 1916: Mr. H. E. Cunningham, Secretary, Board of Trustees. DEAR SIR: Answering your letter of March 15, in reference to the board committees for the ensuing year, will say that these committees will he constituted just as they were last year, and I will ask you to so advise the members of the board. Very truly yours, W- L. ABBOTT.
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