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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
910 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. S C H E D U L E 38. [Feb. 8, STATEMENT OF THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE COLLEGES OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY AS AT DEC. 31, 1915. Appropriations. GeneralSalaries Administration Physical plant Livestock Anatomy Bacteriology Chemistry Pathology Physiology Laboratory stores Supervisor's stores Microscopes Students, lockers MedicalSalaries Administration Dispensary Medicine Obstetrics Pharmcology. Roentgenology Surgery Library „ DentalSalaries Administration Histology i Infirmary Materia Medica Operative Dentistry Oral Surgery Prosthetic Dentistry Radiology Research Mortgage and interest and unassigned.... Outstanding— G-758, G e n e r a l M-142, M e d i c a l 237. M e d i c a l 324, M e d i c a l G-200, G e n e r a l 259, G e n e r a l Disbursements. Encumbrances. Balances, $48,159 2,700 19,272 800 2,352 1,050 3,590 2,850 1,600 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 500 00 1,500 00 24,290 6.055 3.000 2,000 2,200 3,786 1,835 1,100 2,400 5,500 22,020 3,450 650 7,000 400 300 500 750 1,200 1,000 26,189 00 00 00 00 00 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9.9 $23,334 1,945 12,460 253 986 702 968 525 491 1,460 277 1,885 11,076 4,130 1,148 198 949 2,475 402 201 227 2,403 10,358 1,838 179 4,351 187 37 158 257 107 331 6,526 32 10 10 75 04 38 54 40 52 03 43 80 08 63 33 71 10 60 44 23 01 58 07 23 35 77 65 20 13 68 87 41 02 $24,824 320 108 12 938 690 692 35 583 157 68 42 15 95 11 91 73 95 57 70 $ 434 6,703 533 428 347 1,930 1,631 1,072 *2,043 64 *1,885 1,500 1,745 1,614 1,792 1,245 584 1,414 729 2,136 1,785 999 383 2,526 116 232 69 482 382 438 19,663 48 75 30 35 62 55 87 53 60 87 80 00 17 72 29 90 76 06 87 74 11 61 90 83 23 10 92 32 63 09 97 13.213 92 179 20 236 95 9 00 5 00 726 15 18 50 168 90 36 25 1,311 31( 11,661 612 86 121 96 30 271 10 709 230 93 16 75 40 12 70 95 00 50 50 $92,836 50 Anatomy salaries salaries salaries salaries salaries $ 0 60 60 60 5 5 96 00 00 00 00 00 $200,000 00 $49,062 14 190 96 $92,645 54 $58,101 36 190 96 $49,253 10 Total, Schedule 3 . . . * Overdraft. S C H E D U L E 39. STATEMENT OF THE ACCOUNTS FOR OTHER SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS AS AT DEC. 31, 1915 Colleges and Schools. Appropriations. $99,235 6,755 3,300 1,175 1,860 13,580 5,000 23,838 25.000 15,000 3,651 4,076 1,500 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 31 57 00 Disbursements. $46,490 783 802 216 989 6,224 1.633 23,712 2 08 09 10 25 34 18 21 48 25 Encumbrances. $52,745 849 34 34 30 3,421 2,087 30 42 73 40 36 74 22 23 00 Salaries C o l l e g e of C o m m e r c e C o l l e g e of L a w S c h o o l of L i b r a r y S c i e n c e . S c h o o l of M u s i c S c h o o l of P h a r m a c y Law Library S u m m e r S e s s i o n 915 S u m m e r S e s s i o n 1916 Water surveySalaries Traveling expenses Supplies and miscellaneous New Building e q u i p m e n t . . 5,665 95 1,005 67 458 73 9,334 05 138*64*
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