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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1916] < PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. SCHEDULE 36. 909 STATEMENT OF THB ACCOUNTS TOR THE ENGINEERING COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION AS AT DEC. 31, 1915. Appropriations. CollegeSalaries Administration Architecture Ceramic Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering General Engineering Drawing Mechanical Engineering Mining Engineering Physics Railway Engineering Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,... StationSalaries Administration Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mining Engineering Railway Engineering Theoretical and Applied MechanicsPhysics Coal mines investigation Miners' and Mechanics' Institutes Total, Schedule 3 Disbursements. Encumbrances. Balances. $224,037 12 15,000 00 4,200 00 5,510 70 2,500 00 5,001 05 1,000 00 11,837 70 4,000 00 6,000 00 4,000 00 6,000 00 21,372 88 15,003 00 500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 500 00 2,000 00 3,500 00 500 00 5,000 00 1,427 77 $341 $105,319 60 613 38 1,250 24 2,432 67 869 879 687 7,461 1,077 870 970 2,331 87 84 89 98 24 96 06 76 $118,717 52 324 00 346 43 1,068 42 228 09 1,184 00 199 05 1,202 35 230 84 370 60 33 74 812.01 13,222 61 4,333 80 269 17 $14,062 2,603 2,009 1,420 2,937 113 3.173 2,691 4,758 2,996 2.856 4,419 494 809 1,112 182 1,782 2,129 500 3.555 21 62 33 61 04 21 06 37 92 44 20 23 57 25 78 23 81 13 63 00 96 04 8,150 27 6,249 63 5 75 421 05 387-77 317 19 217 87 1,164 36 1,441 99 1,406 73 $144,528 10 206 01 "'2*65' $142,750 69 $54,611 43 S C H E D U L E 37. STATEMENT OF THB ACCOUNTS FOR THB GRADUATE SCHOOL AS AT DEC. 31, 1915. Appropriations. Salaries Fellowships and Scholarships Administration Library— Alvord Blbndheim Fitz-Gerald t Gillet Green Loomis Moore Noyes Schoepperle Unassigned , Research— Balke Bayley Blondheim, Fairlie 4 Forbes Loomis Municipal Research Bureau,, Savage Shelf ord Stebbins Stevens Trelease Washburn Zeleny Unassigned Illinois survey Jomnhl of English and German Philology.. University Studies Total, Schedule 3 $ 8,100 00 22,200 00 1,900 00 1,500 00 150 00 400 00 250 00 75 00 150 00 150 00 300 00 170 00 355 00 500 00 200 00 75 00 200 00 100 00 60 00 57 93 400 00 300 00 375 00 250 00 200 00 380 00 210 00 300 00 1,392 07 3,000 00 1,500 00 2,000 00 7,500 00 $54,700 00 Disbursements, $3,930 00 8.910 00 509 43 819 08 2 90 Encumbrances. $ 4,170 00 13,290 00 21 90 93 50 145 07 100 30 50 90 18 75 68 88 50 89 Balances. $1,368 67 587 42 2 03 299 70 199 10 75 00 131 25 81 12 300 00 119 11 355 00 270 00 67 40 95 94 78 50 400 00 300 00 63 26 143 03 62 33 84 99 40 48 271 00 1,392 07 1,528 89 1,171 23 2,000 00 5,321 38 $16,808 90 230 00 17 15 115 45 75 00 104 06 21 50 60 00 57 93 160 74 16 97 137 67 70 91 169 52 29 00 991 11 303 77 1,154 82 $17,571 00 151 00 90 00 224 10 480 00 25 00 1,023 80 $20,320 10
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