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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
900 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. SCHEDULE: I. StJMMABY OT RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS AS AT DEC. 31, 1915. [Feb. 8, Balance Receipts July 1.1915. Schedule 2. University T r e a s u r e r General $*94,122 41 $383,853 77 United States Agricultural Experiment Station 15,257 49 647 09 United States Smith-Lever 18,141 10 11,015 24 Trusts 7,938 43 Petty c a s h Cashier 5,000 00 Secretary, Colleges of Medicine and Den300 00 Actuary, School of Pharmacy.,..'. 250 00 State A u d i t o r Buildings, land and equipment Administative office General departments. Instruction Research Contingent expense W a t e r survey and Investigation Miners, and Mechanics' I n s t i t u t e s Total.. 727 88 1,353 77 State revenue. Total. $477,976 18 15,904 58 18,141 10 18,953 67 5,000 00 300*00 250 00 $436,500 00 76.145 00 111,550 00 1,243,055 00 97,000 00 218,250 00 242,370 95 28,500 00 436,500 00 76,145 00 111,550 00 1,243,055 00 97,000 00 218,250 00 242,370 95 29,227 88 1,353 77 $2,991,978 13 I $110,339 58 $428,267 60 $2,453,370 95 * Including transfer from petty cash, $600, SCHEDULE 1—Concluded. Disbursements Schedule 6. University T r e a s u r e r General United States Agricultural Experiment Station United States Smith-Lever Trusts '. Petty c a s h Cashier ...'. Secretary, Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry Actuary, School of P h a r m a c y State A u d i t o r Buildings, land and equipment Administrative office General departments Instruction Research Physical plant Contingent expense W a t e r survey and investigation Miners' and Mechanics Institutes Total Balances. Items. Totals. $250,737 07 13,768 57 16,400 41 11,577 71 $227,239 11 2,136 01 1,740 69 7,375 96 $5,000 00 300 00 250 00 $238,491 77 5,550 00 \ 264,016 86 • $172,483 14 37,405 59 38.739 41 61,098 16 50,451 84 768,444 12 474.610 88 34,602 43 62.397 57 83,478 14 134,771 86 231.189 30 11,181 65 21,298 19 7,929 69 1,353 77 $1,561,994 17 1,185,942 19 $1,429,983 96 SCHEDULE 2. STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS FOR T H E SIX MONTHS ENDED DEC. 3 1 , 1 9 1 5 . General fund— Schedule 21 United States Agricultural Experiment Station Fund— Adams Fund Adams Fund—receipts Hatch Fund United States Smith-Lever Fund Trusts fund—Schedule 301 Total ? . . , f . f . . f , , $383,853 77 $7,500 00 257 49 7,500 00 15,257 49 18,141 10 11,015 24 $428,26~7 60 ,. f? • •? f , .f ? .. ? . f . . ,, .,
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