Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1916] PROCEEDINGS OE THE BOARD OE TRUSTEES. 889 Engineering Experiment Station will, however, aid. the association in the preparation for its proceedings of such a report of the cooperative work as may be mutually agreed to by Prof. Schmidt and Secretary Hall. On the receipt of assurances that these several proposals are satisfactory, the International Railway Fuel Association will make available for the purpose of the proposed work such funds as it now has in hand and such other funds as it may hereafter collect for this purpose. These funds will be handled through the business office of the University, subject to the usual procedure of that office. The delegation of observers from several railways in Chicago to aid in this work in the Locomotive Laboratory is a matter that will be arranged directly by Prof. Schmidt in conference with the secretary of the association. I recommend that this cooperative arrangement be approved. I have the honor to be, Very truly yours, W. F . M. Goss. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this plan was approved. R E S I G N A T I O N OF PROF. L. A. H A R D I N G . (13) A statement that the resignation of Prof. L. A. Harding, Professor of Experimental Mechanical Engineering, had been accepted, to be effective February 7, 1916. Prof. Harding found that certain outside interests demanded his attention to such an extent that he felt it would be unfair to attempt to carry on his University work and give them attention also. This statement was received for record. S M I T H MUSIC B U I L D I N G . (14) A letter from Capt. Thomas J. Smith concerning the erection of the building for the School of Music, and requesting an opportunity to meet with the board on the occasion of their next meeting in Urbana. It was voted that Capt. Smith be invited to meet with the board at the annual meeting in Urbana (March 14, 1916). P O W E R TO S E L L OR MORTGAGE S M I T H LANDS. (15) An opinion by the Legal Counsel of the University as to the power of the University to sell or mortgage the land given by Capt. Thomas J. Smith for the purpose of securing the erection of a building to house the musical interests of the University: January 29, 1916. President Edmund J. James,, University of Illinois*. the lands conveyed by Capt. Smith to the Board of Trustees, I am pleased to report as follows: POWER TO SELL,. There is no doubt about the power of the Board of Trustees to sell this land and devote the proceeds to the purposes contemplated by the grant of Capt. Smith. It would have no power to sell the land and divert the proceeds to some other purpose without first, having used an appropriation from money obtained from some other sources for the erection of a Music Building. The power to convey the land now and use the proceeds for that purpose, or to use the money from some other fund in the erection of a Music Building and then sell the lands for the purpose of reimbursing that fund may be exercised without first obtaining authority from the Legislature. POWER TO MORTGAGE. The clause contained in the first section of the organic act, that "The Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University shall be a body corporate and politic, and by that name and style shall have perpetual succession, have power to contract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to acquire, hold, and convey real and personal property" is sufficiently broad in my opinion to authorize the Trustees to mortgage the lands obtained from Capt. Smith, provided the purpose of making the mortgage is to raise funds out of which to erect the Music Building. The resolution authorizing the mortgage to be made should specifically declare that the purpose is to use the money borrowed toward the erection of the Music Building, and to avoid any danger of future complications, I should advise that the fund, when obtained, be kept distinct from other funds, and checked out only as the building is being constructed. I think, too, it would be wise to have the resolution prefaced by a "Whereas," reciting the fact that Capt. Smith has made conveyance as a gift, etc. Respectfully submitted, O. A. HARKER., Legal Counsel. DEAR PRESIDENT JAMES : In reply to your request concerning the disposition of This statement was received for record. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MR. J S. TOMLINSON. . (16) for leave necessary to permit A request from Mr. J. S. Tomlinson, Cashier in the College of Medicine, of absence for one year, without salary. Mr. Tomlinson lias found it to go south for,his health. The Civil Service Commission has agreed the Trustees to grant this leave of absence. C O L L E G E P L A C E LOTS. On motion of Miss Watson, this leave of absence was granted. (17) A letter from Miss Fanny B. Sherfy, of Champaign, asking for information concerning the possible purchase of lots in College Place by the University.