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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
878 UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS. [Jan 11, we think explain themselves and which which we shall be pleased to have the University of Illinois. Kindly advise to whom we shall and other documents which have come Yours truly, show a balance to our credit of $121.99 for remittance of the Board of Trustees of the deliver the title papers, insurance policies, into our possession for you, and oblige. N January 113 1916. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois in account with McKey & Poague, Re Purchase of 701 to 705 South Wood Street, Chicago, being a 4-story and basement brick building situated on lots 14, 15, and 16 in Carpenter's Resubdivision of the west half of block 5 in Hadduck's Subdivision into blocks 4, 5, and 17 of that part of the east half of the southeast quarter of section 18, T. 39 N., R. 14 E. of Third Principal Meridian set off to said Hadduck by Superior Court. Comptroller $16,100 00 Ogden Sheldon & Co $ 500 00 Ogden Sheldon & Co. 15,500 00 McKey & Poague, commission $400 00 McKey & Poague, from O. S. & Co 300 00 100 00 L. E. Yeager & Co.—Premiums on fire insurance policies, 5 years, to Jan. 5, 1921— Hanover Fire Ins. Co. No. 51042, $3,500 $63 00 Home Ins. Co. No. 03425, $3,500 63 00 Standard Ins. Co. No. 1083548, $3,000 54 00 180 00 Balance (debit) 180 00 $16,280 00 $16,280 00 January 11> 1916. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois in account with McKey & Poague, Re Purchase of 709-711 South Wood Street, Chicago, being a 3-story and basement brick and stone front building situated on lots 12 and 13 in Carpenter's Resubdivision of the west half of block 5 in Hadduck's Subdivision into blocks 4, 5, and 17 of that part of the east half of the southeast quarter of section 18, T. 39 N., R. 14 E. of Third Principal Meridian, set off to said Hadduck by Superior Court. Comptroller $9,240 00 Chicago Title & Trust Co. Receiver $ 500 00 Chicago Title & Trust Co. Receiver 8,500 00 McKey & Poague, commission 240 00 — $9,240 00 Chicago Title & Trust Co. Receiver, premiums on fire insurance policies: $3,000 to May 14, 1916, Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co. No. 78004 (4% months at 83 1/3 cents) 3 75 $2,000 to Oct. 2, 1916, Royal Ins. Co. No. 127501 (9 months at 83 1/3 cents) 7 50 Balance (debit) 11 25 $9,251 25 $9,251 25 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois in account with McKey & Poague, Re Purchase of 713-717-719 South Wood Street, Chicago, being three 2 story frame buildings and a frame barn in the rear of No. 719, situated on lots 9, 10, and 11 in Carpenter's Resubdivision of the west half of block 5 in Hadduck's Subdivision into blocks 4, 5, and 17 of that part of the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 18, T 39 N, R 14, E of Third Principal Meridian, set off to said Hadduck by Superior Court. Comptroller $10,250 00 Adam Prehler * $ 500 00 Adam Prehler 9,500 00 McKey & Poague, commission 250 00 Adam Prehler, taxes 1915 I l l 00 Water taxes to Jan. 1, 1916 4 07 Rent, Louis Clark, first floor, 713 South Wood Street, $10 per month to Jan. 12,1916 5 00 Louis Clark, on account 3 00 Anna Molley, second floor, 713 South Wood Street, $10 per month to Jan. 28, 1916 10 00 Sidney Gordon, first floor, 717 South Wood Street, $14 per month to Jan. 5, 1916 2 30 Vacant, second floor, 717 South Wood Street. Louis Goldberg, first floor,. 719 South Wood Street, $13.50 per month to Jan. 11, 1916 5 06 Louis Goldberg, to Jan. 31, 1916 v 9 00 Mary Zimmer, second floor, 719 South Wood Street, $9 per month to Jan. 16, 1916 4 50 Nathan Foreman, barn rear 719 South Wood Street, $4 per month to Jan. 31, 1916 3 73 By M C K E T AND POAGUE. ALEXANDER PRUSSING.
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