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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
86 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. S C H E D U L E 2—Continued. Receipts for month of— April. May. June. [July 11, Receipts to Mar. 31, 1914. Total quarter ending J u n e 30, 1914. Total year ending J u n e 30, 1914. Student f e e s General and laboratory Lockers Trust f u n d s Hospital Association McDowell Memorial F u n d . . . . . . McKinley Fund—principal Northwestern Terra Cotta Company Prize F u n d P l y m Fellowship Snyder Fund—interest Snyder Fund—principal Towel fund Wilson Lectureship Fund Woman's League Fund $131,891 93 3,711 00 $135,602 93 $843 00 29 50 $872 50 $801 00 $11,436 40 $13,080 40 $144,972 33 3,924 50 213 50 180 00 4 00 $805 00 $11,616 40 $13,293 90 $148,896 83 $ 115 00 377 00 4 57 469 84 1.363 20 50 00 1,000 00 541 17 3,136 59 731 75 100 00 88 95 $7,978 07 $ 115 00 377 00 4 57 370 00 $ 23 89 235 70 847 50 1,000 00 25 00 $ 56 05 175 00 $ 19 90 $ 99 84 515 70 105 00 50 00 50 00 1,000 00 66 05 729 50 475 12 2,407 09 731 75 100 00 88 95 21 25 150 00 44 80 554 50 $5,516 98 $1,284 59 Miscellaneou s— Accountancy Alumni Record Blue printing Business office Dean of Men Emergency Hospital F r e s h m e n Advisors Graduate School—Illinois surGraduate Interest Interest Library Library Illinois rvund School—Thesis de44 10 32,419 14 195 72 166 66 25,000 00 67 90 25,000 00 169 10 3,846 50 721 97 130 48 75 5 83 8 25 79 03 20,000 00 8 00 25 73 237 20 50 $ 106 25 612 79 670 84 298 26 45 44 56 00 $402 30 $774 20 $2,461 09 $357 38 $ 559 00 32 00 232 77 68 65 331 18 25 00 227 25 $ 5 41 $ 921 79 $ 1,028 04 644 79 32 00 459 34 1,130 18 157 92 298 26 45 44 729 18 785 18 107 75 25 00 25 00 333 86 225 00 333 86 225 00 151 71 1 52 14 90 87 63 22 138 50 308 09 2 91 52 80 333 86 225 44 32,419 347 1 00 10 14 43 52 on land c o n t r a c t s . . . . . . on endowment fund . . . additions Canners' Association 43 40 1 52 1 20 107 11 Morrill F u n d Music Nelson F u n d Office supply stores Orchestra concerts Philology, Journal of. President's office P r i n t i n g and postage Priatograph Registrar's office Salary refunds State Treasurer Student Associations University Studies W a t e r survey 14 90 87 54 07 88 60 2 91 23 41 9 15 138 50 219 49 6 87 22 52 50 9 49 33 29 50 1,227 35 50 5 11 1 50 14 60 1,260 64 166 66 14 90 25,000 00 68 77 25,000 00 193 72 3,985 00 1,030 06 130 48 75 2 91 58 63 8 25 79 03 20,000 00 9 50 40 38 1,497 84 50 $109,916 44 $1,039 40 $2,425 44 $1,272 59 $4,737 43 $114,615 27 $335,711 84 $13,408 26 $13,850 17 $81,192 88 $58,451 31 $394,163 15 UNITED STATES EXPERIMENT STATION FUND. Adams F u n d Adams F u n d receipts Hatch Fund $11,250 00 $3,750 00 140 00 11,250 00 3,750 00 $22,640 00 $7,500 00 $15,000 00 140 00 15,000 00 $30,140 00
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