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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
816 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. S C H E D U L E 31. [Aug. 4, STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR LAND, BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT AS AT JUNE 30, 1915* Appropriations and credits. Land and land i m p r o v e m e n t s Land Campus lighting Pavements and walks BuildingsArmory (New) Armory (Old) improvements . . . Auditorium Administration Building Chemistry Building Botany Laboratory and Greenhouse . . . ; Commerce Building , Law Building (1912-1913) Library stacks addition Lincoln Hall improvements Observatory Storehouse Zoology Vivarium Building projects (anal) General equipment F u r n i t u r e and fixtures P i p e organ Total * Overdraft. S C H E D U L E 32. STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR PHYSICAL PLANT AS AT JUNE 30, 1915. Cash Appropriations and dirbursements. credits. ExtensionF i r e protection equipment Heating and lighting plant Telephone extension Tunnel extension L i g h t and water extension Auto t r u c k Operation and m a i n t e n a n c e Salaries E x t r a assistance Office expense and equipment., Heating and lighting Buildings operation Buildings maintenance Grounds F i r e protection , W a t e r Station Telephone exchange General operation, Total. * Overdraft. Unexpended balances. Cash disbursements. Unexpended balances. Transfer charges. Total. $ 21,500 00 2.766 25 3,000 00 67,000 2,500 10,300 200,002 00 00 00 57 $ 21,527 28 2,106 47 1,352 84 53,960 11 466 12 4.771 62 i 133,562 66 ! 100,297 99 15,249 90 984 98 21,851 43 69 08 1,721 77 1 96 1,463 83 4,850 42 1,105 00 16.269 74 $381,629 44 16 24 $ 7 00 $ 21,534 28 538 25 2,644 72 1,897 56 544 72 66,797 05 2,401 49 10,274 41 134.409 80 110,661 7.1 22,557 85 984 98 22,960 86 889 74 2,461 20 1,993 38 2,588 19 5,441 09 2,554 03 16.269 74 16 24 *$ 34 28 121 53 1.102 44 12,836 94 1,935 37 5,502 79 847 14 10,363 72 7,307 95 1,109 820 739 1,991 1,124 590 43 66 43 42 36 67 202 95 98 51 25 59 [•*45,068 94 289 40 615 06 81 22,847 25 1,600 04 22,960 890 2,461 2,100 2,000 4,000 16 24 86 55 20 00 00 00 106 62 *588 19 *1,441 09 1,445 97 5 26 3,118 36 4,000 00 16,275 00 ,219 96 1,449 03 $47,708 88 $429,338 32 Transfer charges. Total. $ 400 00 50,000 00 1,200 00 8.000 00 20,000 00 450 00 15,741 53 2,203 50 75,691 90 42.217 58 30,000 00 10,000 00 3,600 00 1,500 00 3,004 75 15,000 00 S 356 90 41,371 69 577 76 7,400 00 3,425 57 450 00 9,752 22 5,008 06 1,108 15 40,834 15 11,803 19 15 85 2,193 89 283 33 73 31 1,090 23 $ 6,901 27 212 65 333 12 16,387 30 $ 356 90 48,272 96 790 41 7,733 12 19,812 87 450 00 14,760 28 $ 43 10 1,727 04 409 59 266 88 187 13 981 25 179 69 4,578 48 *9,515 64 6,931 21 *2,087 83 404 40 202 91 392 90 1,836 17 6,537 28 915 66 30,279 27 39,930 03 23,052 94 9,893 94 2,912 27 1,223 78 1,521 62 12,773 98 2,023 81 71,113 42 51,733 22 23,068 79 12,087 83 3,195 60 1,297 09 2,611 85 13,163 83 |$279,009 26 $126,134 15 $146,337 83 $272,471 98
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