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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
790 X I I . COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. OF A G R I C U L T U R E A N D A G R I C U L T U R A L STATION—Continued. [Aug. 4, EXPERIMENT 4. Dairy Husbandry. a. College funds— Salaries and maintenance (general) b. State station funds— Dairy investigations c. Hatch Fund— Salaries and maintenance d. Balance from 1914-15— Maintenance $7,545 75 Dairy investigations 782 40 Dairy specimens 200 Total balance Total, Dairy Husbandry ... $30,725 00 21,000 00 6,000 00 8,330 15 $66,055 15 $20,000 00 790 83 20,790 83 $56,600 00 5., A g r i c u l t u r a l Extension. a. College funds— Salaries and maintenance b. Balance from 1914-15— Maintenance Total, agricultural extension Horticulture. a. College funds— Salaries and maintenance (general) b. State station funds— Horticulture investigations $21,000 00 Floriculture investigations 8,000 00 Total from State station funds c, Adams Fund— Plant breeding d. Balance from 1914-15— Horticulture investigations Household Science. 29,000 00 4,500 00 341 70 90,441 70 $26,000 00 $2,957 15 4,878 13 7,835 28 33,835 28 $2,800 00 490 81 3,290 81 ; Total, Horticulture a. College funds— Salaries and maintenance b. Balance from 1914-15— Maintenance, general Cafeteria '. Total balance Total, Household Science 8. V e t e r i n a r y Science. a. College funds— Salaries and maintenance b. Balance from 1913-14— Maintenance Total, "Veterinary Science a. Administration— (1) Salaries $3,900 00 (2) Maintenance 582 00 (3) Traveling expenses 1,000 00 (4) Farm management demonstration (including $500 traveling expenses) 1,600 00 United States S m i t h - L e v e r A c t i v i t i e s . Total, administration b. Demonstration in. Household Science— (1) Salaries $1,000 00 ( 2 ) Maintenance and traveling expenses 7,000 00 $ 7,082 00 Total, demonstration in Household Science 8,000 00 c. Departmental specialists— $2,000 to each of the departments : Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, Horticulture, for two specialists e a c h . . . . 8,000 00 d. County Agents— 22 counties at $600 each 13,200 00 Total, United States Smith-Lever activities 10. Buildings. 36,282 00 29,745 60 Balance from 1914-15
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