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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
MEETING OF AUGUST 4, 1915. A special meeting of the Boards of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Blackstone Hotel, in the city of Chicago, at 12.00 m., on Wednesday, August 4, 1915, pursuant to the following notice which was sent out by the Secretary on July 27, 1915: On the call of the President, Mr. W. L. Abbott, there, will be a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a t the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, on Wednesday, August 4, 1915, beginning at 12 o'clock noon, to consider such matters as the committees of the board and the President of the University shall submit, and such other matters as may be duly presented. The following members were present: President Abbott, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward, Miss Watson. President James was present. MATTERS PRESENTED BY T H E PRESIDENT OF T H E UNIVERSITY. The regular order of business was suspended and the board proceeded immediately to the consideration of the following matters submitted by President James: I N V E S T M E N T OF PLYiMI F E L L O W S H I P S T I P E N D . (1) A letter from Mr. Francis J. Plym in the matter of the funds now on deposit in the University Treasury to the credit of the Francis J. Plym Fellowship in Architecture: Nines, MICH., July 28, 1915. Dr. Edmund J. James, President, University of Illinois, Uroana, III. MY DEAR .DR. JAMBS : Replying to your letter of July 12, which was received during my absence, I hardly think it would be necessary for you to return the funds which I now have on deposit for the University. I do believe, however, that this money should be doing some work. In other words, I think it should be earning some interest and that this interest should be used by the Architectural Department in making some small prizes that might be used in furthering the work of the department. That would please me more than anything else. During the year, possibly $5, $10, or $20 prizes for certain small designs would add a good deal of stimulation to the students in the department and I am exceedingly anxious to advance the interests of the Architectural Department. Yours respectfully, FRANCIS J. PLYM. There is on deposit now in the University Treasury the sum of $2,000 which •Mr. Plym has paid in for this fellowship, $1,000 for the present year, and $1,000 for the coming year. In both cases, owing to the w a r conditions in Europe, it has seemed wise to the department not to encourage any student to take advantage of this fellowship. On motion of Mr. Carr, the President of the board was requested to invest the Plym Fellowship funds temporarily, the income to be used in providing prizes in architecture subject to the approval of the President of the University, by the following vote: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Ecans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Small, Mr. Trevett. P A Y M E N T OF I N T E R E S T , 1913-15. (2) A letter from the Comptroller in the matter of the sum due from Mr. Busey for interest on University balances: July 29, 1915. President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois. DEAR SIR: I am this day in receipt of a check from Mr. Busey for $11,929.91, being the interest at two per cent due the University of Illinois on the average daily balances from April 7, 1913, to April 29, 1915. I shall acknowledge receipt of this check to Mr. Busey as part oayment on an eoitire charge that we have against Mr. Busey, amounting to $12,108.86, composed of the $11,929.91 above mentioned and $178.95 which is interest on the said $11,929.91 for three months from April 29 to July 29, 1915, a t the rate of six per cent. Tours truly, W. B. CASTENHOLZ, Comptroller. 782
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