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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1915] PROCEEDINGS OF ^I-IE BOARD OF TRtTSTEEfi. WQ of section eighteen (18), township nineteen (19) north, range nine (9) east of the Third Principal Meridian, Champaign County, Illinois, and more particularly described as follows: The south five (5) acres of lot nine (9) ; lot eleven (11), containing six and sixty-two one-hundredths (6.62) acres, more or less; lot twelve (12), containing seventeen (17) acres, more or less; the south part of lot ten (10), containing three and seventy-three one-hundredths (3.73) acres, more or less, namely, that portion of lot ten (10) lying and being directly west of and joining the south five (5) acres of lot nine (9), so that the north line of the said south five (5) acres of lot nine (9) shall continue and be extended through the said lot ten (10) to First Street, and constitute and be the north line of said tract herein conveyed. On motion of Mr. Carr, this recommendation was approved and the Comptroller of the University was authorized to proceed to the acquisition of this property and the payment of the amount of fifty thousand dollars, hy the following vote: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Carr, Mrs.* Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Small, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Ward. A U T H O R I T Y TO D E L E G A T E S I G N I N G OF W A R R A N T S . (31) A request from the Comptroller that he be designated instead of Mr. Lloyd Morey, Auditor, to sign the names of the President and Secretary of the board to vouchers drawn against the Auditor of Public Accounts. On motion of Mr. Hoit, Mr. W. L, Abbott, President, and Mr. H. E. Cunningham, Secretary of the board, were authorized to delegate to Mr. W. B. Castenholz, Comptroller, authority to sign their names as President and Secretary, respectively, to vouchers drawn against the, Auditor of Public Accounts. This is in addition to the authority to delegate such signing to Mr. L. E, Knorr, Assistant Comptroller (page 222). E X P E R I M E N T F I E L D I N SPARTA. (32) A letter from Prof. C. G. Hopkins recommending the acceptance of a deed for twenty acres of land for use as an experiment field, adjoining the grounds of the township high school located near the city of Sparta: July 18, 1915. President E. J. James,, University of Illinois. mitting directly to you the enclosed deed, transferring twenty acres of land from Thomas G. Dean to the" Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and I beg to recommend that this be accepted for use as an experiment field. I may state that this land has been carefully examined by Prof. Mosier and myself, and we are agreed that it is suitable and especially well located for the purpose. It adjoins the grounds of the township high school, and is within easy walking distance of the railroad station at Sparta. I t is representative of an important type of soil upon which we have no soil experiment field. The question of establishing a field on this land was submitted to our State Advisory Committee on Soil Investigations a t their last meeting, and ttfe committee approves of this location. I may add that we are already operating an experiment field on rented land, for which we pay an annual rental, on the farm of W. B. Braden, about seven miles from Sparta, and about five miles from Cutler, the. nearest railroad station, and it is our opinion that, after the experiment field is established at Sparta and operated for a sufficient length of time to show instructive results, we should discontinue the operation of the rented field above referred to. I have consulted with Director Davenport regarding this matter, and he approves of this plan. I am hopeful that final action may be taken regarding the acceptance of this field at an early date, because, if we are to operate the field next year, we should begin our preparation this month or early next month, in order to have the land in proper condition for seeding certain crops this fall. Prom the attached letter, you will note that the taxes, which have been levied against the land for the current year, will be paid by the local people. With deep respect, I am, Very truly yours, CYRIL G. HOPKINS. MY DEAR PRESIDENT JAMES : In the absence of Director Davenport, I am trans- On motion of Mr. Small, the recommendation of Prof. Hopkins was approved. (33) A recommendation that Prof. Donald Mcintosh, for thirty years Professor of Veterinary Science in the University, be retired, and that a retiring allowance of $1,650 a year be granted to him. On motion of Mr. Carr, this recommendation was approved, by the following vote: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Small, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Ward. PROVISIONAL E X P E N S E BUDGET. (34) A recommendation that appropriations be made for three months beginning July 1, 1915, or until a ne^v budget shall have heen submitted and approved, on the basis of the appropriation made in the budget for 1914-15, subject to the approval of the President of the University. R E T I R I N G A L L O W A N C E FOR PROF. FrtcINTOSH.
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