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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
774 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [ J u l y 14, II. Expenses of administration offices (including- Board of Trustees',, President's office, Comptroller's office, Registrar's office, Council of Administration, University Senate, etc.,) one hundred and fiftyseven thousand dollars $ 157,000 III. Expanses of general departments (including Library Staff, Military, Physical Training, Supervision and Discipline, University exercises, publications, museums, etc.), two hundred and thirty thousand dollars . 230,000 IV. Expense of instructional work in the various schools and colleges, (including purchase of apparatus, maps, charts, and books for the library), two million five hundred and sixty-three thousand dollars 2,563,000 V. Expense of Research and Scientific Departments (including t the Agricultural and Engineering Experiment Stations), two hundred thousand dollars 200,000 VI. Expense, maintenance, and operation of physical plant, (including repairs, betterments, extensions, janitor service, care and policing of grounds, and operation of heating, lighting, and power plant), four hundred and fifty thousand dollars 450,000 VII. General and contingent fund to provide for increases of salary, additions to staff, emergencies, incidental and general purposes), five hundred thousand dollars 500,000 Grand total $5,000,000 SEC. 2. The appropriations made herein shall be paid only out of moneys paid into the State Treasury and set apart for the use and maintenance of the University of Illinois in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled, "An Act to provide by State tax for a fund for the support and maintenance of the University of Illinois," approved June 10, 1911, in force July 1, 1911. The Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrants from time to time upon the State Treasurer for amounts expended for bills then due from the sums herein appropriated, payable severally to the persons named upon the presentation of itemized vouchers therefor, ' certified to by the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, with the corporate seal of the University attached thereto. Sioealcer, House of Approved June 28, 1915. Filed June 28, 1915. LEWIS G. STEVENSON, DAVID E. SHANAHAN, President BARRATT O'HARA, Representatives. of the Senate. Governor. E. P. D U N N E , Secretary of State. This statement was received for record. R E S O L U T I O N S C O N C E R N I N G MUSIC B U I L D I N G . (18) The following statement and resolutions: I have been requested by Capt. Thomas J. Smith, of Champaign, to suggest the passage of the following resolutions: WHEREAS, Thomas J. Smith, of the city of Champaign, a former member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, on September 14, 1915, did convey to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois seven hundred and sixty-nine and nineteen one-hundredths acres of land lying within the county of Champaign and State of Illinois, with an estimated value of two hundred and fifteen thousand dollars, as a free and voluntary contribution to be used in the erection of a building on the Campus of the University of Illinois for the promotion of the musical interests of said University, which conveyance has been accepted for the purpose aforesaid, in pursuance of a contract made and entered into on said date by and between Thomas J. Smith and the Board of Trustees of the University; and WHEREAS, The University of Illinois in and by the terms of the contract agreed with Thomas J. Smith that on the delivery of said conveyance to the Board of Trustees it would instruct its Supervising Architect to draw plans and specifications for a building for the promotion of the musical interests of the University at a cost of r not lessi than two hundred and fifteen thousand dollars and that the Board of Trustees would cause to be erected on the Campus of the University such a building in accordance with such plans and specifications as soon as feasible. THEREFORE, Be it ordered by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, that the Supervising Architect be authorized and instructed to submit, as soon as convenient, to the Board of Trustees for its consideration, plans and specifications for such a building for the promotion of the musical interests of the University. On motion of Mr. Small, this resolution was adopted. E M P L O Y E E S P E R M I T T E D TO A T T E N D CLASSES. (19) A recommendation from the Council of Administration concerning permission to employees of the University to attend classes as visitors: June 30j 1915. Dr. Edmund J. JameSj, President. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT : The Council of Administration at its meeting of June 29, 1915, voted to recommend to the Board of Trustees the adoption of the following recommendation: /
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