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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
538 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Sept. 16> OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND EQUIPMENT VOUCHERS—Continued. No. Date. To whom. For what. Amount. O O O O O O O 1704, .do. 1705 .do. 1706 ..do. 1707,..do. 1708] do. 1709, do. 1710 ..do. 1711 .do. 1712 ..do. 1713 do. 1714 ..do. 1715 do. 1716 ..do. 1717 do. 1914 17031 Sept. 161 Jos. W. Stern & Co W. J. Boehm The American Seeding Machine Co.. Eberbach & Son Co Bausch & Lomb Optical Co Frank Holton & Co James B. Clow & Sons Geo. W. Medley Louis B. Malecki & Co Chas. M. Samson Fuller & Fuller & Co E . H . Sargent & Co Leavitt Mfg. Co: University of Illinois Supply Store.. Payroll Alexander, Lilla M Alley, W . E AJlen, Mrs. Josephine Ames, Winifred Arneson, Mable L Atkinson, C. E , Beyer, Melinda Beyer, Vera Blackwell, Mary Boice, L. A ^ Bolen, Anna R Bowen, Evalena.. Broadhurst, Tahitha J Brown, Ina M Browne, W. H Brownfleld, Lelah H Bryan, Sarah E Buckler, Helen I Buckles, Mildred E Burt, Ruth Cole,H. W Cover, Hazel W . Crawford, C.C Cunningham, H. E Custer, Emma L Dalton,C. E David, Eshoo David, Paul Davis, Vera M. Durfey, Franc A Emigh, Edith Feldkamp, Amelia Fieg, Robert J .Flattery, Amanda H Fraser, Viola C .„ Fr oberg, E Gage, Marjorie H Glenn, Eleanor .' Goetz, Antoinette H Goodspeed, W. S Gordon, Marie A . . . . Griffith, Mabel F Gubbins, Maud Halliday, Mabel .. Hamilton, Mrs. Alice V Havens, C. H Hawgood, Helen A Hay, Nathaniel Hayes, James B Hayes, Margaret L Heater, Myrtle Heerman, LouiseB Houchens, Josie B HulLA.H Humricheuse, Katie 1 L Hwasser, Anna J Johnson, Gertrude Kirwin, Nora Knapp, A u r e l l a . . . : Knorr, Lynn E Lehr, Lawrence D Lamb, Allie Lee, Albert R Band music 1$ 16 97 Laboratory supplies 40 00 Machinery 47 25 Laboratory supplies 1 64 --do , I 254 60 Band instrument repairs Apparatus I 34 13 General 16 30 Band music 25 44 Books 20 00 Laboratory supplies 82 43 .-do 301 10 Apparatus repairs 48 37 Furniture and fixtures 7 70 Sept., 1914 10,775 45 Salary . $ 65 00 do 1C0 00 do 55 00 do 75 O l O do 75 00 do 14166 do... 75 001 do 60 00 do 60 00 do 125 00 do 60 00 do 65 001 do 75 001 do. 65 00 do 250 00 do 50 00 do 75 00 do 60 00 do 65 00 .do 50 00 .do 100 00[ .do 30 00 .do 65 O l O .do 166 661 .do , 75 001 .do 50 00 .do 55 001 .do 60 00 .do 50 00 .do 50 00 .do 70 00 .do 50 00 .do 50 00 .do 65 00 .do 70 00 .do 75 00 .do 75 00| .do 28 84 .do 70 00] .do 90 00 .do 55 00 .do 70 00 .do. 60 00 .do 60 00 .do 100 00 .do 120 00 .do 70 00 .do 166 66 .do 95 00 .do 40 00 .do 60001 .do 60 00! .do 83 33i .do 65 00) .do 50 00 .do 50 00 .do 60 001 .do.' 55 00 .do 75 00 .do 150 001 .do 50 00, .do 55 00 .do 100 00]
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