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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
310 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 16; Husbandry. Arlandus Leon Jerdan, B.S., Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1913, B.S., University of Missouri, 1914. In Architecture. Yousabu Ogawa, B.S., University of California, 1914. In Chemistry. Clarence Barbre, B.S., 1914. William Asbury Manuel, A.B., DePauw Arthur Norton Bennett, B.S., 1907. University, 1912. Joseph Marvin Braham, B.S., University Ruth Elizabeth Okey, B.S., Monmouth of Idaho, 1914. College, 1914. Silas Alonzo Braley, A.B., Morningside John Carl Ross, A.B., South African College, 1913. College, 1911. Ernest Edward Charlton, A.B., Grinnell Everett Harvey Taylor, A.B., 1913. College, 1913. Scott Champlin Taylor, B.S., 1913. Juanita Elizabeth Darrah, A.B., 1913. Howard DeWitt Valentine, B.S., 1913. Eugene Maximilian Karl Geiling, A.B., Devi Dyal Virmani, A.B., Stanford UniUniversity of the Cape of Good Hope, . versity, 1913. 1911. Henry Joseph Weiland, B.S., University Wesley Wallace Hanford, B.S., Wesof Rochester, 1913. leyan University, 1913. Edward Wichers, A.B., Hope College, Axel Magnus Hjort, A.B., 1914. 1913. Harry Cleveland Kremers, A.B., Hope Herbert August Winkelmann, B.S., College, 1913. North-Western College, 1914. In Civil Engineering. Andrew John Albert Anderson, B.S., Prank Erwin Richart, B.S., 1914. . Lewis Institute, 1913. In Electrical Engineering. Courtland Walter Bade, E.E., TechniRaymond William Owens, B.S., 1914. cum Mittweida, 1914. Ernest Alexander Reid, B.S., 1914. Jefferson Hall Belt, B.S., 1912. John Lawrence Simonich, B.S., 1914. Leslie William Faulkner, B.S., 1914. Hubert Michael Turner, B.S., 1910. Gundayu Mizoguchi, B.S., 1914. In Horticulture. Arthur Samuel Colby, B.S., New HampLeo Weiss Elston, A.B., 1913, B.S., Rutshire College, 1911. gers College, 1914. In Mining Engineering. Merle Louis Nebel, B.S., 1913. In Physics. Sylvan Jay Crooker, B.S., Carleton ColLars Alvin Welo, B.S., North Dakota lege, 1914. Agricultural College, 1911. In Railway Engineering. Harold Houghton Dunn, B.S., 1908. William Sing-Chong Pung, B.S., 1914. Robert Bedford , Pogue, B.M.E., State University of Kentucky, 1913. In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Julian Montgomery, B.S., Grayson ColFred B. Seely, B.S., Worcester Polylege, 1908, C.E., University of Texas, technic Institute, 1907. ' ,1912. Robert Edgar Turley, Jr., B.S., 1913. In Zoology. Grace Adaline Wells, B.S., Knox College, 1913. T H E DEGREE OP DOCTOR OP PHILOSOPHY. In Animal James Henry Greene, B.S., 1908. In Agronomy. Demetrius Ion Andronescu, Diploma of Capacity in Agronomy, Roumanian College of Agriculture, 1906, M.S., 1914. The Physiology of the Pollen of Zea Mays with Special Regard to Vitality. William Leonidas Burlison, B.S., Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1905, M.S., 1908. Availability of Mineril Phcsphat.es for Plant Nutrition. Wallace Macfarland, B.S., University of Utah, 1910, M.S., 1913. The Influence of Calcium and Magnesium Compounds on Plant Growth. Frank Archibald Wyatt, B.S., Agricultural College of Utah, 1910, M.S., 1913. The Influence of Calcium and Magnesium Compounds on Plant Growth. In Botany. , George Leo Peltier, A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1910, A.M., Washington University, 1912. Parasitic Rhizoctonias in America. In Chemistry. Harry Peach Corson, B.S., New Hampshire College, 1910, M.S'., 1912. Manganese in Water Supplies. Oscar Edward Harder, A.B., A.M., University of Oklahoma, 1910, 1911. Alloys of Chromium, Copper, and Nickel. Joseph Whitney Howard, A.B., Shurtleff College, 1912, A.M., 1913. . The Rearrangement of Alkyl Anilines. Oliver Kamm, B.S., M.S., 1911, 1913. The Structure of the Dihydro —B— Napthoic Acids and the Correlation of Ionization and Structure in Unsaturated Acids. Harold Hanson Mitchell, A.B., M.S., 1909, 1913. Feeding Experiments on the Substitution of Proteins by Definite Mixtures of Isolated Amino Acids. Fred Weaver Muncie, A.B., Wabash College, 1910, M.S., 1918. The Effect of Large Applications of Commercial Fertilizers upon Carnations.
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