Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
288 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [ J u n e 8, University a satisfactory site and one hundred thousand dollars for the erection of buildings and improvements on the site given, the University will locate a summer school on this site, in which shall be taught certain branches of engineering and such other subjects as circumstances may make feasible or desirable. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this recommendation was approved. W O R K I N M I L I T A R Y SCIENCE C O M M E N D E D . (2) A letter from Maj. General Leonard Wood, ranking officer of the United States Army, relating to the work in Military Science: June 3, 1915. President E. J. James, University of Illinois s Uroana, III. splendid work which is being done under your direction at the University of Illinois in the way of preparing the youth of our country to discharge not only their civil, but also their military obligations. I have never been more interested anywhere than with the work which you are doing and the wisdom and foresight with which expenditures have been made with an eye to the future. If every Land Grant college had proceeded with equal sincerity and loyalty to the spirit of the Endowment Act, with its obligation for military training, we should be far better prepared than we are for national defense in the way of trained men, and our people would have a, much fuller conception of their obligations to the State from the soldier standpoint than a t present. I sincerely hope you will continue to receive the support and approval of the State authorities in the future, as you have in the past, and that the great University under your charge will continue to show to the universities of sister states what can be done by well directed effort. It was an inspiring sight to see the two regiments, and I feel convinced that every man who has had military training will leave the University all the better for it, not only physically but morally and from the standpoint of a better appreciation of the duties of citizenship. With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, LEONARD WOOD. MY DEAR PRESIDENT JAMES : I wish to express to you my appreciation of the This letter was received for record. C H A N G E I N T H E S Y S T E M OF A C C O U N T I N G . (3) A request from Mr. W. B. Castenholz, Comptroller, for authority to install a system of double-entry accounts in the business office. Mr. Castenholz was present and supported his request. On motion of Mr. Hoit, the Comptroller was authorized to install a system of double-entry accounts. AUTHORITY TO CONFER DEGREES. (4) A request for authority to confer degrees on persons recommended by the several colleges and schools of the University and by the University Senate.* This authority was granted. S C H E D U L E OF BIDS ON N E W B U I L D I N G S . (5) A schedule of bids on the Education Building, the Ceramics Building, and the Vivarium: * For list of degrees, see page 303.