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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
286 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [May 22, Forestry has practically served the scientific purposes for which it was planted, and its future use we shall probably be called upon to decide in the near future. It seems to me that it is very undesirable to take any step now which may interfere with a development which may prove to be the best when considered from the standpoint of all other conditions. If permission is given to lay the track on the street, we shall have no control over it, nor shall we have any recourse, if we find it objectionable to the University's interests to have it there. Under these conditions it seems to me unwise to grant the request. Yours truly, JAMES M. WHITE., Supervising Architect. Action on this matter was deferred until a personal conference can be had with Mr. McKinley. A P P O I N T M E N T MADE BY PRESIDENT JAMES. The Secretary presented for record the following appointment made by President James on May 11, 1915: Taft, Mary E., University Secretary in the Department of Animal Husbandry, at a salary of sixty-five dollars ($65) a month, beginning July 1, 1915, and continuing until further notice, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. The board adjourned, W. L. ABBOTT, President. H. E. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary.
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