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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
S C H E D U L E 351. STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR AGRONOMY AS AT MAR. 31, 1915. Appropriations and credits. CollegeCrop production P l a n t breeding Soil fertility $53,116 98 Experiment S t a t i o n Agronomy Experiment Station—soilsSoil survey Soil extension * Total, Schedule 35 Agronomy Experiment Station—cropsCrop production P l a n t breeding $25,602 60 Hatch—Agronomy $2,500 00 $104,991 97^ Cash disbursements. . Transfer charges. Open market J o b orders outorders outstanding. standing. Salaries. Total. Free balance. $ 3,286 68 8,570 68 2,677 69 11,921 63 7,580 70 $34,037 38 - $255 05 424 68 31 09 ' 808 89 364 39 $1,884 10 $ 62 00 32 90 205 65 55 50 8 58 $364 63 $160 00 19 00 130 00 218 50 $527 50 $ 749 97 2,129 97 874 98 2.524 98 2,199 96 $8,479 86 $ 62 00 4.484 60 11,349 98 3,713 76 15,529 50 10,153 63 $7,823 51 $45,293 47 $26,816 12,450 19,079 2,004 49 32 11 52 $ 1 15 61 16 85 08 $147 39 $138 65 50 18 $488 83 $213 55 93 50 30 22 $337 27 $105 65 3 00 $108 65 $24 00 $1,099 2,934 2,994 450 95 96 96 00 $28,131 14 15,563 94 22,189 37 2,454 52 $68,338 97 $11,965 63 6,852 34 $18,817 97 $2,259 04 $6,784 63 $240 96 $36,653 00 $60,350 44 $10,956 33 6,099 17 $17,055 50 $1,359 04 $24 00 $15 00 $15 00 $7,479 87 $450 00 699 99 $1,149 99 $900 00
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