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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
248 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. A U T H O R I T Y TO D E L E G A T E SIGNING OF W A R R A N T S . [Apr. 27, (34) A recommendation that the President of the board, Mr. W. L. Abbott, be authorized to delegate to Mr. L. E. Knorr, Assistant Comptroller, the signing of his name as President to University warrants, such authority to take effect as of March 9, 1915. On motion of Mr. Carr, this recommendation was approved. STANDING COMMITTEES, 1915-16. The Secretary of the board presented for record the following list of the Standing Committees of the board appointed by President Abbott for the year 1915-16: BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. William M. Abbott, Chairman; Mary E. Busey, Robert F. Carr, Laura B. Evans, Robert R. Ward. FINANCE. Otis W. Hoit, Chairman; Ellen M. Henrotin, J. K. Hopkins, John R. Trevett, Robert R. Ward. ENGINEERING. John R. Trevett, Chairman ; B.obert F. Carr, William L. Abbott. AGRICULTURE. James K. Hopkins, Chairman ; Otis W. Hoit, John R. Trevett. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE AND SCHOOL OF PHARMACY. Laura B. Evans, Chairman ; William L. Abbott, Otis W. Hoit. STUDENTS' WELFARE. Ellen M. Henrotin, Chairman; Mary E. Busey, Laura B. Evans, Florence E. Watson. INSTRUCTION. Francis G. Blair, Chairman; Robert R. Ward, Florence E. Watson. LIBRARY. Mary E. Busey, Chairman; Ellen M. Henrotin, Florence E. Watson. GRADUATE SCHOLARS AND FELLOWS^ 1915-16. The Secretary presented also for record the following list of scholars and fellows in the Graduate School appointed by the President and Vice President of the University for the academic year 1915-16: Agronomy Animal Husbandry Bacteriology Botany Chemistry William A. Albrecht, fellowship W. G. Kammlade, scholarship Julius E. Nordby, scholarship D. W. Williams, scholarship L. V. Burton, traveling* fellowship John A. Elliott, fellowship Elizabeth H. Fleeson, scholarship Ernest M. R. Lamkey, fellowship Walter S. Reeves, scholarship Theodore R. Ball, fellowship St. Elmo Brady, fellowship E. M. A. Chandler, fellowship Edgar W. Engle, fellowship, Carl S. Marvel, scholarship Clarence Scholl, fellowship Margaret Olmsted, scholarship Mary L. Trowbridge, scholarship Fred E. Clark, fellowship H i Clare E. Griffin, fellowship r 1 • -H ^TRBurley F. Lamb, fellowship f • ' P " 0 "^TfHKathryn Maddock, scholarship 3 Charles J. Stowell, fellowship Joseph H. Johnston, fellowship Theodore S. Henry, stipendary A. J. A. Anderson, fellowship , ; ^.jjgRoland E. Hart, scholarship ' Charles Jablow, scholarship Robert C. Matthews, scholarship Harold M. Westergaard, fellowship Delmar G. Cooke, fellowship , [-. j y|Levette J. Davidson, scholarship Elizabeth G. Fuller, scholarship Effie Morgan, scholarship Edith I. Sendenburgh, scholarship Merle A. Sweney, scholarship Winifred Vickrey, scholarship $35,0 00 250 00 250 00 250 00 500 00 400 00 250 00 350 00 250 00 400 00 400 00 300 00 400 00 250 00 400 00 250 00 250 00 400 00 350 00 400 00 250 00 3 50 00 350 00 100 00 350 00 250 00 250 00 250 00 500 00 350 00 250 00 250 00 250 00 250 00 250 00 250 00 Classics Economics Education Engineering English ;j
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