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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1915] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. F U R N I S H I N G S FOR A D M i N T S T R A T I O N B U I L D I N G . 247 (28) A request from Prof. J. M. White, Supervising Architect, for authority to proceed with the purchase of the furnishings for the Administration Building a t a total cost, for furniture, light fixtures, shades, window screens, linoleum, et cetera, of not more than $15,000. The expenditures prior to July 1 can be paid out of the appropriation already made for the building. On motion of Mr. Carr, Prof. White was authorized to purchase the necessary furnishings for the Administration Building, and the sum of $15,000 was appropriated therefor. MR. W . B. C A S T E N H O L Z APPOINTED,COMPTROLLER. (29) A recommendation that the President of the University be authorized to appoint Mr. W. B. Castenholz to be Instructor in Accounting and Comptroller of the University, at a salary of $250 per month, until further notice. Mr. Castenholz took his bachelor's degree at the University of Indiana and the degree of master of arts from the University of Wisconsin in 1903. He has had experience as a teacher in high schools. He was for five years secretary-treasurer of the Chippewa Falls Furniture Company, and in that capacity had complete charge of all accounting, cost work, office details, credits, and collections. He was for half a year public accountant and auditor with Marwick. Mitchell, and Company, and three years with Lybrand, Ross Brothers, and Montgomery a t th£ir Chicago office. He was also one and one-half years auditor of the American Milling Company, Peoria, 111., in complete charge of accounting and cost work, office system, etc. Mr. Castenholz comes with unusually good recommendations from the University of Wisconsin and from the companies with which he has worked. On motion of Mr. Carr, this recommendation was approved. P A Y M E N T OF E X P E N S E S OF M E M B E R S OF F A C U L T Y IN M E D I C I N E W H O A T T E N D C O M M E N C E M E N T I N URBANA. (30) A request from Dr. D. A. K. Steele, Senior Dean of the College of Medicine, that an appropriation be made for the transportation of those members of the Faculty of the College of Medicine who may attend the Commencement exercises in Urbana on June 16. On motion of Mr. Carr, the sum of $250 was appropriated, to make a total of $900 available to meet the' expenses of students and Faculty of the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry who may attend Commencement in Urbana [see page 192].' USE OF A U D I T O R I U M BY S T A T E T E A C H E R S ' ASSOCIATION. (31) A request from the East Central Illinois Branch of the State Teachers' Association for the use of the Auditorium October 15 and 16, 1915, without fee. This request was granted. CALL E X T E N D E D TO PROF. L. D. COFFMAN. (32) A communication from Prof. W. C. Bagley, Director of the School of Education, stating that Prof. Lotus D. Coffman had received a call to the University of Minnesota at a considerably higher salary than he has at the University of Illinois. Prof. Bag-ley states that he desires to have his own work in the University diminished and that he would be willing to accept a corresponding diminution in salary, and suggests that an arrangement might be made whereby Dr. Coffman would assume part of the work of the Director of the School of Education, in which case some adjustment in salary might be made, so that we could retain Dr. Coffman's services. On motion of Mr? Carr, President James was authorized to make such arrangement with Prof. Bagley and Prof. Coffman as he might find advisable. M E M O R I A L TO PROF. F E C H E T . (33) A request from a committee constituted in 1911 to propose plans and raise subscriptions to establish a memorial to the former Military Commandant, Col. E. G. Fechet. This committee, consisting of Dean T. A. Clark, Prof. N. A. Wells, Serg. F. W. Post, Capt. J. R. Trevett, three officers of the Cadet Corps, and Prof. S. A. Forbes, selected a portrait medallion with a suitable inscription, raised the funds from members of the University and citizens of the community, and contracted with a sculptor, Leonard Crunnel of Chicago, for the medallion. The memorial will take the form of a bronze tablet, 30 by 40 inches, bearing the following inscription: Edmund Gustave Fechet. Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. A. Soldier of the Civil and Indian Wars. Professor of Military Science, University of Illinois, 1900-10. On motion of Mr. Carr, the Fechet memorial tablet was accepted with thanks, to be placed in- the Armory at a place selected by the Supervising Architect, and to he unveiled with appropriate ceremonies during Commencement.
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