Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
244 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Apr. 27, Third—That the present requirement, that candidates for the degree of Doctor of Law who are pursuing the combined course in literature and law shall take at least four hours' work in history or social science during the fourth year, be abrogated. These recommendations were approved. C O L L E G E OF COMMERCE A N D BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. (16) A recommendation of the University Senate concerning the organization of the new College of Commerce and Business Administration. The Senate recommends : 1. That such a college be opened next autumn under the name of the College of Commerce and Business Administration. That the different lines of work in said college now included under the Administrative Department of Economics be divided into separate departments as follows: a. Department of Economics, Finance, and Statistics. b. Department of Business Organization and Operation, (This would include the work in business law, accountancy, salesmanship, and advertising). c. Department of Transportation. 3. That programs of study be offered in the following lines: a. Mercantile Business. b. Banking. c. Insurance. d. Accounting. e. Railway Traffic and Accounting. f. Railway Transportation. g. Foreign Commerce. h. Salesmanship and y Superintendence in Engineering and Business Houses. (In cooperation with the College of Engineering.) i. Farm Organization and Management. (In cooperation with the College of Agriculture.) .1. Commercial Secretaryships, k. Commercial Teaching. 1. Business and Law. (In cooperation with the College of Law.) 4. That for admission to the new College of Commerce and Business Administration the entrance requirements for any of the other colleges of the University be accepted. 5. That the courses in the Department of Economics, Finance, and Statistics which are of a general educational character shall be educationally classified in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences also, and open as major or minor subjects, or free electives. " 6. That the degree of Bachelor of Science be given to students completing any one of the courses in this college: provided thpt students now taking business courses in the University be graduated with the degree to which they would be at present entitled if they pursue the courses now outlined or a substantial equivalent. On motion of Mr. Carr, these recommendations were approved. WOMEN'S RESIDENCE HALL. (7) Provisional plans for the proposed Residence Hall for women. Prof. J. M. White, Supervising Architect, explained the plans in detail. These plans were discussed at length. On motion of Mr. Carr, the general scheme embodied in the plans was approved, and the Supervising Architect was directed to proceed with detailed plans. SMITH-LEVER FUND. (18) A request from the Acting Comptroller for authority to establish a new fund in the books of the University, to be known as the Smith-Lever Fund. April IS, 1915. Dr. David Kiriley, Vice President3 University of Illinois. DEAR S I R : The regulations prescribed by the Department of Agriculture concerning-the manner in which disbursements of Lever Funds are to be accounted for and audited seem to make necessary the establishment of a distinct fund. The department informs me that the Lever Funds will be subject to the same inspection as are the Hatch and Adams Funds. The department objected, however, to the inclusion of the Lever Funds with the Hatch and Adams Funds under our present United States Agricultural Experiment Station Fund. The only alternative seems, therefore, to be the creation of a new fund. I recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize the establishment of a new fund to be known as the "Smith-Lever Fund." All receipts and disbursements under the so-called Smith-Lever Agricultural Extension Act are to be accounted for under this fund. Yours very truly, L. E. :KNORR, Acting Comptroller. On motion of Mr. Carr, this request was granted. A D M I S S I O N TO C. P. A. EXAMINATIONS. (19) A recommendation from the University Committee oh Accountancy suggesting an amendment to the regulation adopted on July 11, 1914 [page 10], concerning the requirements for admission to the C. P. A. examinations. The commitee recommends that the words "or individuals" in paragraph (e) be stricken out, so that the paragraph shall read: