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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
240 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS/ [Apr. 27, the powers of discretion and judgment to this Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to the representatives of four different Boards of Trustees. This answer does not consider the question of public policy involved in bringing together by contract three private corporations with a public corporation acting as a public officer, in influencing another branch of the State Government, in the matter of_ making laws affecting the whole people, and upon this question it is not necessary, in the conclusion I have reached, to express an opinion. In reply to your third question I will say that it is in principle the same as the first and second questions, and differs only in the fact that it relates to a contract which would require the University of Illinois to join private corporations in an effort to influence legislation, to control the State Board of Health, another . agency of the State Government empowered by the General Assembly to fix the standards of admission to practice medicine in this State, and would again be delegating the powers of the Board of* Trustees of the University of Illinois to a body composed, in part of others then such trustees, and would, not come within any, power expressly or impliedly given by law to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. As I said before, the question of the validity of a contract on the part of a public officer with private, persons or corporations to unite in seeking to influence the General Assembly in the matter of legislating concerning the power of another public officer would necessarily enter into this part of the contract which you submit, but in view of the fact that it is my opinion that the contract is ultra vires so far as the University of Illinois is concerned, for the reasons above set forth I refrain from discussing such question. For the reasons above set forth, it is my opinion that each of the three questions you submit should be answered in the negative, Very respectfully, P. J. LTJCEY, Attorney General. In view of the opinion of the Attorney General, I. recommend that the President of the University be authorized to inform the committee that the University of Illinois is not permitted by law to enter into such an agreement as is proposed. On motion of Mr. Carr, the recommendation of President James was approved. LEASE OF R O L A N D TRACT. (6) A letter from the Acting Comptroller reporting the leasing of the Roland tract in Champaign [see page 220]. ' ; March 27, 1915. President Edmund J. James,. University of Illinois. DEAR S I R : A S authorized by the special committee consisting of Mr. Carr, Mr. Trevett, and Prof. "White, appointed by the Board of Trustees on March 9, 1915, I have leased from Mr. Anton Roland thirty-two and one-half acres owned by him, situated in William Williamson's Subdivision in Champaign. This lease is dated March 15, 1915, and runs for two years. Rent at the rate of $700 per annum is to be paid quarterly. I have also secured from Mr. Roland an option for the purchase of this property at any time within two years. The purchase price is to be $50,000. If the Board of Trustees so desires, the lease and option provide that Mr. Roland will extend the said lease and option from March 15, 1917, to July 15, 1917, upon receiving written notice from the Board of Trustees on or pefore October 15, 1916, that it will exercise its option to purchase. This provides for the Board of Trustees the opportunity of paying for this land, should it desire to purchase, from the funds available for the biennium 1917-19. Yours very truly, L. E. KNORR, Acting Comptroller. This report was received for record. FACULTY IN THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. (7.) A recommendation that, for purposes of recommending students for graduation from the College of Medicine, the faculty of that college shall consist of all persons of the rank of Assistant Professor and above who have given definite courses of instruction in the College of Medicine during the academic year 1914-15. On motion of Mr. Carr, this recommendation was approved. L E A V E OF A B S E N C E FOR PROF. FRASER. (8) A request from Prof. W. J. Fraser of the Department of Dairy Husbandry for a year's leave of absence. This request, which is endorsed by Prof. H. A. Harding, is approved by Dean Davenport in the following letter: March 19, 1915. President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois. MY DEAR PRESIDENT JAMES : I am transmitting from the head of the Dairy Department, Dr. Harding, Prof. Fraser's request for a year's leave of absence on half pay to begin September 1, 1915. Prof. Fraser has served the University faithfully for more than twenty years. This is the first real opportunity he has had for getting away, and I hope it may be afforded. I only wish the rules of the University permitted an accumulation of this privilege—of which Prof. Fraser has never been able to avail himself—in such a way that he might go on full salary, but I suppose that is impossible. I, therefore, forward this request and the endorsement of Dr. Harding without further comment than is involved in the statement of my deep appreciation of Prof. Fraser's long and faithful service to us. Very truly yours, E. DAVENPORT.
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