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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

216 2. Medical. Salaries Administration Pathology Pharmacology Research Medicine Surgery Obstetrics Roentgenology Dispensary Library UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. X I I I . COLLEGES OF MlEDICINE A N D [ M a r . 2, DENTISTRY—Concluded. $29,870 4,435 1,200 1,000 1,737 700 1,400 1,500 1,400 2,000 4,050 $18,940 2,576 300 200 300 500 700 3,600 700 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $49,292 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 27,816 00 13,541 40 $179,067 40 Total, medical 3. Dental. Salaries Administration Oral Surgery and Pathology Operative Dentistry Prosthetic Dentistry Histology and* Orthodontia Bacteriology Infirmary Radiology Total, dental , 4. Mortgage interest Total, Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry X I V . G R A D U A T E SCHOOL. 1. Salaries— Administration and research Illinois survey Civil Service $6,250 00 1,400 00 1,166 60 2. Scholarships and fellowships 3. Research grants 4. Expenses—r Printing, postage and office supplies $1,000 00 University Studies: Miscellaneous, Social Science, Biological, and Language and Literature Series 4,000 00 Traveling expenses 200 00 Journal of English and Germanic Philology 1,500 00 Emergency research 5,000 00 Library equipment 3,500 00 Illinois survey 3,000 00 Clerical help 300 00 Crockerland expedition 2,500 00 Total, Graduate School $ 8,816 60 21,925 00 720 00 21,000 00 $52,461 60 XV. OTHER COLLEGES AND DEPARTMENTS. 1. College of Law Library 2. School of Library Science Summer Session 3. School of Music 4. School, of Pharmacy Physical plant 5. Courses in Commerce 6. Summer Session Total Resources— Salaries. $23,232 90 6,674 600 18,349 . 10,966 80 00 88 46 31,033 08 22,500 00 $113,357 12 Expense and - equipment. $3,300 00 ) 5,000 00 J 1,000 00) J 1,860 00 6,500 00 1 6.850 00 J" 5,000 00 2,500 00 Total. i 0 i coo $31,532 . __. 8 274 ' 20,209 ,, 1(! 24 Q316 > 36,033 25,000 on 90 cn 8U 88 AR 46 08 00 $32,010 00 #$145,367 12 X V I . STATE W A T E R SURVEY. Balance July 1, 1914— In State appropriation In University appropriation $2,310 56 110 11 $21,500 00 7,500 00 500 00 —: .... Appropriations for 1914-15— State University Fees (estimated) Total, resources $ 2,420 67 29,500 00 $31,920 67
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