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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
202 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Jan. 30; University of Illinois could not obtain as much as Wisconsin or Chicago.* In addition to the use of the money in his hands the Treasurer of the University has been receiving under action of the Finance Committee (to whom the decision has been referred with power to act) fifty dollars a month for office expenses. It would seem proper to save this sum to the University under the new arrangement. The following table showing the balances in the hands of the University Treasurer on the thirtieth day of each month during the present biennium will indicate in general the way in which the funds change from month to month: MONTHLY BALANCES IN HANDS OP UNIVERSITY TREASURER. April 30, 1913 $736,907 88 March 31 $347,926 80 May 31 585,584 58 April 30 325,736 33 June 30 425,548 11 May 31 280,326 80 July 31 306,100 25 June 30 211,052 30 August 31 234,849 81 July 31 151,418 78 September 30 267,834 65 August 31 132,651 94 October 31 276,726 72 September 30 212,811 44 November 30 262,936 65 October 31 236,020 38 December 31 259,790 92 November 30 234,783 54 January 31, 1914 266,655 30 December 31 201,083 46 February 28 333,108 20 January 31, 1915 221,554 78 I recommend that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report. No action was taken concerning this matter R E Q U E S T E D PURCHASES FOR CLASSICAL M U S E U M . (15) Two requests from Prof. Arthur S. Pease, Curator of the Museum of Classical Art and Archeology: 1. That the University authorize the purchase of the Jacobstahl collection of archeological objects which has been offered to the University by Paul Gottschalk, bookseller, of Berlin. This is a very valuable collection of antiquities which we really ought to have in our museum of archeological objects. It would form a most valuable element in the means of instruction in ouV courses in history, art, and archeology. 2. That the University purchase a Babylonian clay cylinder tablet, giving an account of the building of Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. It has been offered to the University for sale by Dr. Edgar J. Banks for the sum of $315. It would be valuable for purposes of instruction in history, archeology, and semitics. No action was taken on these requests. R E Q U E S T E D PURCHASE OF P R I N T I N G PRESS FOR M U S E U M . (16) A request from Prof. N. C. Brooks, Curator of the Museum of, European Culture, endorsed by the Curator of the Museum of Classical Archeology, and approved by the Supervising Architect, for the installation of a small printing press to cost about $100 for the purpose of printing museum labels. No action was taken on this matter. C H A R G E FOR USE O F M O R R O W HALL. (17) A recommendation from the Supervising Architect: "That a charge of seven dollars and a half ($7.50) be made for the use of Morrow Hall for musicals and 'similar entertainments, this charge to cover lighting, heating, janitor service for ordinary cleaning, police duty, and the use of such palms and ferns as the Supervising Architect and the Superintendent of Grounds deem advisable, all extra work, such as wiring, decorating, special lighting effects, and the like, to be charged for in addition, in proportion to the labor and material required." On motion of Mr. Hoit, this recommendation was concurred in. DR. E. A . CORCORAN DROPPED (18) A statement from Dr. D. A. K. Medicine, that he had been obliged to drop Instructor in Medicine in the Junior year in to duty and lack of interest in his work. FROM M E D I C A L F A C U L T Y . Steele, Senior Dean of the College of the name of Dr. Edward A. Corcoran, the College of Medicine, for inattention On tlie recommendation of President James and on motion of Mr. Hoit, the action of Dean Steele, was approved. A U T H O R I T Y TO N O M I N A T E G R A D U A T E SCHOLARS A N D F E L L O W S . (19) A request from the Dean of the Graduate School, Dr. David Kinley, that he be authorized to nominate the scholars and fellows for the coming year with stipendia aggregating $25,000. On the recommendation ,pf President James and on motion of Mr. Hoit, authority was given as requested. 4.x. i* S i n c e w r i t 1 i n S J^ e a b ? v e I n a v e been informed that the University of Wisconsin has received during the last year on local deposits of petty cash the sum o 3.85 per cent instead o 2| per cent. The University f f of Missouri received 3 per cent; the Ohio State University 2.5 per cent;-the University o Cincinnati 2.5 f per cent; the Michigan Agricultural College 2.5 per cent. These sums are generally computed quarterly
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