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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
198 .UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Jan. 30, On the recommendation of President James and on motion of Superintendent Blair, the Registrar was authorized to provide certificates for students who shall earn honors. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Blair, Mrs Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Hopkins, Mr. Meeker, Mr. Moore, Mr. Trevett. GIFT TO ROTHAMSTED E X P E R I M E N T STATION ACKNOWLEDGED. (8) A statement from the Dean of the College of Agriculture that the contribution of the University of Illinois to the building of the Lawes Memorial at the Rothamsted Agricultural Experiment Station in England has been greatly appreciated, and that a full series of the publications of the Station is now on its way for the University Library. This report was received for record. BUREAU OF M I L I T A R Y INFORMATION AND ADVERTISING. A recommendation from Col. Joseph N. Greene, Colonel and Brigade Comof the University Brigade, concerning the establishment of a Bureau of Information and Advertising. The recommendation is endorsed by the Commandant: January 18, 1915. From: Cadet Colonel J. N. Greene, Commanding the Cadet Brigade. To: Commandant of Cadets,, University of Illinois. Subject: Recommendation for the establishment of a Bureau of Military Information and Advertising. In order that the Military Department of the University of Illinois may better be advertised in the University community and in order that the members of the University and its community may better be educated in those matters pertaining to the Federal and State Military and Naval policies, I have the honor to make the following recommendation: There shall be established in conjunction with the Military Department of the University of Illinois a bureau of information which shall be officially known as "The Division of Military Information." The object of this bureau will be to compile all data concerning: a. The strength of the Regular Army of the United States; the organization and its distribution; the regulations governing the Army. b. The strength of the United States in number of ships and officers and men ; the maintenance of the ships and their distribution; the regulations governing the Navy. c. The strength and organization of the National Guards of the several states; and the laws governing the Illinois National Guard; the requirements of the War Department in respect to the Guard. . d. The same as "c" for the Naval Reserve of the several states and of Illinois in particular. e. All proposed and enacted Military and Naval Laws in the Federal Congress and the State of Illinois Legislature. f. The proposed and enacted laws in respect to the establishment of reserve armies; summer instruction camps; and all other legislation pertaining to the Army and Navy. g. The strength and maintenance of Corps of Cadets by the United States and the several states of the Union. h. The strength and distribution of the armies and navies of foreign "world powers." i. The relations existing between the "Boy Scouts" of the several nations and the armies and navies of these nations. j . The military policies of the several nations. k. All other information relating to the Army and Navy of the United States that is of importance. This division to be conducted, under the supervision of the Commandant of Cadets, by the following: a. A "Chief" of the bureau who must be a Senior Officer of the University Corps of Cadets, in good scholastic standing and with good moral habits. b. Two assistants to the Chief who shall be Junior Officers of the Cadet Corps and who satisfy the requirements made of the Chief. c. Not more than six clerks who shall be Sophomore noncommissioned officers of the Corps of Cadets and who satisfy the requirements made of the Chief. These officers of the bureau are to be chosen in the following manner: From the Sophomore noncommissioned officers applying for the positions as clerks the Commandant shall select the six who have shown by their previous military or naval training that they are qualified to fill the office or who by examination given by the Commandant on such subjects as he shall consider pertinent shall prove capable of filling the office ; the two Junior assistants of the Chief shall be chosen at the end of each school year, their selection to be based upon the service rendered by them during the term of clerk. At the end of each school year the Chief of the Bureau will be chosen from the Junior assistants, the selection being based upon the service rendered while in the capacity of Junior assistant. The selection shall be made by the Commandant of Cadets and the then active Chief. For the remainder of the year 1914-15 a Chief shall be appointed by the Commandant; and likewise the Commandant shall, determine by competitive examination those two men best fitted to be Junior assistants; and further, the Commandant shall also determine by similar examination those six Sophomores who are best fitted to act as clerks. (9) mander Military Military
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