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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1915] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 197 On motion of ^Superintendent Blair, the organ was accepted and the final payment authorized as soon as the Supervising Architect has certified to the Comptroller that various minor mechanical defects have been fully remedied. C H A N G E S IN COURSE IN P H A R M A C Y . (4) A letter from W. B. Day, Acting- Dean of the School of Pharmacy, recommending certain changes in the course in the School of Pharmacy: CHICAGO, December 30, 191Jf. President Edmund J. James3 University of Illinois. ^ Illinois School of Pharmacy held yesterday the following recommendations were made to you for changes in the courses in the School of Pharmacy: was recommended that beginning with the session of 1916-17 the N First—It shorter course leading to the degree of Graduate in Pharmacy be lengthened by adding one month to each school year so as to close the course late in May instead of late in April, as at present. Second—It was recommended that beginning with the session of 1916-17 the longer couYse leading to the degree of" Pharmaceutical Chemist be increased to three years, the first two years to be identical with the shorter course and the third year to comprise five days a week of instruction for a period of eight months. The effect of these recommendations, if adopted, will be to increase the amount of instruction given in the shorter course about fifteen per cent, while leaving the longer course approximately as at present in the number of hours of instruction but spreading this instruction over three years instead of two and, thereby, meeting the requirements established by the New York Board of Regents for the Pharmaceutical Chemist degree, which are based upon a three-year course. We believe that it will be an improvement in the longer course in other respects to give this greater time to it even though the actual hours of instruction are not materially increased. It will also enable a better adjustment of the studies so as to base the third year's work upon the work of the first two years and to permit us to select the brightest students in the two-year course and encourage them to take this third year's work. Third—It was further recommended that the schedules of the shorter course be so adjusted and rearranged as to avoid the necessity for holding classes on Saturday, while retaining the same number of hours of instruction per week as at present given. This revision of the weekly schedule to go into effect next session. In explanation of this last recommendation, I would say that we have found it to be at times a serious disadvantage to hold classes on Saturday, particularly Saturday afternoons, as it is a departure from the established usage of schools generally—a departure which is not necessary under present conditions. Fourth—It was recommended that the proposed eight-months year beginning with 1916-17 be divided into two semesters in conformity with the general custom. We hope that these changes will have your approval and if it is necessary that they be acted upon by the Board of Trustees that you will bring them before the Board of Trustees with your favorable recommendation. Very respectfully yours, W. B. DAY, Acting Dean. On the motion of Superintendent Blair, these recommendations were referred to the Committee on the College of Medicine and the School of Pharmacy for consideration and report. ELECTION OF MR. G. C. O U T T E N TO ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CROPS. (5) A letter from Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station submitting the names of Mr. S. W. Strong of Urbana and Mr. G. C. Outten of Mt. Zion as nominees by Mr. Victor DeWein, Secretary of the Illinois Grain Dealers' Association, to complete the Advisory Committee on Crops; the Board of Trustees under its regulations to select one. On motion of Mr. Hoit, Mr: G. C. Outten of Mt. Zion was appointed a member of the Advisory Committee on Crops. A D D I T I O N A L ASSISTANTS I N M I L I T A R Y SCIENCE. DEAR PRESIDENT JAMES : At a meeting of the Faculty of the University of (6) Owing to the unexpectedly large increase in the numbers of the Cadet Brigade the present year, it was found necessary to appoint ten assistants in Military Science, at a salary of $100 each a year, instead of eight authorized by the budget of last summer. On motion of Miss Watson, the action of the President of the University in appointing two additional assistants in Military Science was approved and the appropriation involved was made by the following; vote: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Hopkins, Mr. Meeker, Mr. Moore, Mr. Trevett. C E R T I F I C A T E S OF HONORS FOR SCHOLARSHIP. (7) A recommendation from the Council of Administration that the Registrar be authorized to provide a certificate indicating the granting of preliminary honors and final honors to students for high scholarship. The printing of these engraved certificates would cost about $77, including the plates from which future certificates might be printed.
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