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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1915] PROCMHtfGS OF THfi SOAKD 0# TRUSTEES. ADMISSION TO T H E GRADUATE SCHOOL. 191 December 103 191.'/. Dr. Edmund J. James,, President. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: The University Senate, at its meeting of December 7, 1914, voted to recommend to the Board of Trustees the adoption of the following regulations in regard to admission to the Graduate School: 1. Admission to the Graduate School may be granted to graduates of institutions whose requirements for the bachelor's degree are substantially equivalent to those of the University of Illinois, and to applicants from other institutions approved by the Executive Faculty as hereinafter provided. Admission to the Graduate School does not, however, imply admission to candidacy for an advanced degree. 2. A graduate of an institution meeting the requirements prescribed below in paragraph 3, may be admitted to the Graduate School, provided he satisfies the Dean and the departments concerned that he will be able to proceed to the master's degree in a period not exceeding two years. 3. (a) The college shall require four years' work of collegiate grade for graduation, based upon an entrance requirement of at least fourteen standard high school units. . » ' (b) If conditioned students are admitted, they shall not be allowed to proceed beyond the sophomore year, without removing their conditions. (c) The college shall maintain at least six departments in liberal arts and sciences, each having at least one Professor giving his entire time to the college work of his department. (d) The minimum educational attainment of college Professors shall be equivalent to graduation from a college of high grade and graduate work equivalent at least to that required for a master's degree from the University of Illinois. (e) The college shall have a productive endowment sufficient to yield a net annual income of at least $10,000 available for instructional purposes in the college. If the institution offers courses in addition to the usual liberal arts course, it shall have a correspondingly larger annual income. (f) The college shall have library and laboratory equipment sufficient to meet fully the needs of the courses announced. (g) In addition to the foregoing specific requirements, so far as possible the general standing of the' college shall be considered, including: the character of its curriculum, the efficiency of its instruction, the number of hours of instruction required of the members of its faculty, the size of the classes, the general standards for graduation, its conservatism in granting degrees based upon work done in absentia, the success of its graduates in the Graduate School of this University and elsewhere, etc. 4. Unless otherwise specially permitted, a student enrolled in the Graduate School must take each semester at least one course accepted by the Executive Faculty for credit in his major subject. 5. A student of mature age who satisfies the Dean and the department concerned of his ability to pursue graduate work in a given line may be enrolled in particular graduate courses, and permitted to carry on such study or investigation under the direction of a department of the University as the department shall recommend and the Executive Faculty approve. Very respectfully yours, C. M. MCCONN, Cleric of the Senate. (b) Requirements for admission to the Graduate School: On the recommendation of President James and on motion of Mrs. Busey, the above requirements were adopted as recommended by the University Senate. REGULATIONS FOR T H E A D M I N I S T R A T I O N OF T H E JAMES S T U D E N T LOAN F U N D . MARGARET LANGE (8.) At the last meeting of the board the proposal of the President of the University to give to the Trustees the_sum of $5,000 as a nucleus for a student loan fund, to be known as the Margaret Lange James Loan Fund, was accepted. The form of contract was submitted at the time, with an opinion of the University Counsel, Judge O. A. Harker, that it was in satisfactory form. It was printed in the minutes of the last meeting of the board (page 185) and is now before the members of the board for final action. I recommend: First—That this document be received and approved by the Board of Trustees, and that, upon receipt of the sum of $5,000 by the Comptroller of the University, the President and the Secretary of the board be authorized to sign in duplicate the said contract, on the part of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and that one copy be given to the President of the University, and the other be filed with the Secretary of the board and duly recorded. Second—That this fund be hereby constituted and the Comptroller and Treasurer of the University be authorized and instructed to keep a separate account with such fund in their books. Third—That the Council of Administration shall be authorized to receive applications for loans to deserving students from this fund as soon as it shall have been paid in. Fourth—That the Council of Administration shall be requested to formulate plans for the management of the fund, and to suggest the conditions upon which the fund shall be loaned, so far as security therefor is concerned or otherwise, and to make recommendations to the board upon this subject. Fifth—That if said fund shall accumulate in the Treasury to any extent, the Finance Committee shall report to the board what, in its judgment, shall be done in the premises.
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