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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
190 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. M E D I C A L MISSIONARY S C H O L A R S H I P S . [Jan. 30, (5) The following statement: The Trustees, when they took over the property of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, accepted certain obligations in the matter of scholarships with the Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior. Under this agreement the University was bound to furnish certain free scholarships in the College of Medicine, and in case they were not used in any given year, to continue them for succeeding years. We have had some difficulty in making a satisfactory arrangement with the Woman's Board of Missions, but we finally made an agreement which wipes out all obligations on the part of the College of Physicians and Surgeons and on the part of the University. Under this arrangement the University will grant one two-year scholarship in the College of Medicine, or two one-year scholarships, and with that grant all obligations toward the Woman's Board of Missions (Congregational) will have been fulfilled. On motion of Mrs. Henrotin, the arrangement in settlement of the medical missionary scholarships was approved. S A L E OF P H A R M A C Y LOT R E P O R T E D . (6) A letter from the President of the board concerning the sale of the acre property in the city of Chicago between Forty-seventh and Forty-eighth Streets and Rockwell Street and California Avenue, which came to the University when the School of Pharmacy was taken over, and which the board, on September 8, 1914 (page 116) voted to sell a t a price not less than three thousand dollars. According to this letter from the President of the board, the pharmacy property has been sold for $3,500 net and checks for that amount from Mr. R. J. Schlesinger were forwarded to the Treasurer through the Comptroller on January 12, 1915.* It is understood that this fund belongs in a certain sense to the School of Pharmacy and may be employed in the purchase of other property to be used for the School of Pharmacy. I am informed that the University still owns the following lots acquired through the School of Pharmacy: Lots four and five, in block five, of McBride, Spencer, and Underwood Sub-Division, east of Archer Avenue, in the east one-half of , the northwest quarter of section 1, township 38 north, range 13 east of the Third Principal Meridian. This report was received for record. REQUIREMENTS FOR A D M I S S I O N . (7) Certain recommendations of the University Senate. (a) Requirements for admission to the undergraduate colleges: December 8, 191Jf. Dr. fidmund J. James* President. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: The University Senate at its meeting of December 7, 1914, adopted the following recommendations to the Board of Trustees, proposing certain minor modifications of our scheme of entrance requirements: CERTAIN MODERN LANGUAGES ACCEPTED. 1. That 1 or 2 units (36 or 72 weeks) in Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, and Italian be added to List B of our present entrance requirements, with the proviso _ that credit in these subjects will not be accepted in satisfaction of the minimum foreign language requirements of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences or the School of Music. DRAWING. 2. That drawing (art and design), 18 weeks or 36 weeks, % unit or 1 unit, and mechanical drawing, 18 weeks or 36 weeks, % unit or 1 unit, be substituted in List C of our entrance requirements for the present specification of drawing, 18 weeks or 36 weeks, % unit or 1 unit. Sincerely yours, C. M. MCCONN, Clerk of the Senate. On the recommendation of President James and on motion of Superintendent Blair, the above recommendations were concurred in. * The President and Secretary of the board, on January 7, 1915, signed and delivered the following deed, accompanied by a duly certified copy of the action of the board authorizing the sale of this property: [COPY OF DEED] THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That the grantor, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, of the State of Illinois, for and in consideration of the sum of thirty-five hundred ($3500) dollars, in hand paid, conveys and auit-claims to Rudolph J. Schlesinger and Emily Schlesinger, his wife, of the city of Chicago, county of Cook, and State of Illinois, not as tenants in common but as joint tenants, all interest in the following described real estate, to-wit: The westhalfofthe east half onthe northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twelve (12) township thirty-eight (38), north, range thirteen (13) east of the Third Principal Meridian, situated in the city of Chicago, county of Cook, and State of Illinois. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We have signed these presents as the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and have affixed the corporate seal hereto. Dated this seventh day of January, A. D. 1915. . [SEAL.] THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. By W. L. ABBOTT, President. By H. E. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary.
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