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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
172 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . SCHEDULE 2—Concluded. [Jan. 22, Previously Month endTotal Dec. reported. ing 1914. 31, receipts. Miscellaneous—Concluded. Military Department Nelson F u n d Orchestral concerts Office supply stores President's office Printograph Salary refund Summer Session, 1914 Student Associations University studies. W a t e r survey salaries Weekly Calendar W a t e r survey •. Totals School of P h a r m a c y Laboratory deposits Laboratory balances, 1913-14 Matriculation Rebates Total , : $ 154 02 25,000 00 3,864 75 208 12 100 00 1 25 29 99 77 50 85 50 2 00 7 85 300 00 1 00 92 60 $157,517 77 $ 1,996 00 81 405 00 10,010 00 $12,411 81 $251,136 60 $103 80 6 00 6 92 16 ii 50 37 52 25 66 $1,805 06 $ 290 82 25,000 00 3,870 75 215 04 100 00 1 25 46 10 77 50 85 50 2 50 45 37 300 00 1 00 117 60 $159,322 83 $ 1,996 00 81 405 00 8 45 11,087 50 $13,497 76 $268,182 69 $23,086 70 $7,500 00 81 39 7,500 00 $15,081 39 $268,182 69 23.086 70 15,081 39 $306,350 78 $ 8 45 1,077 50 $1,085 95 $17,046 09 $904 43 TRUST FUNDS. $22,182 27 $7,500 00 19 50 7,500 00 i $15,019 50 $251,136 60 22,182 27 15,019 50 $288,338 37 United States Agricultural Experiment Station— Adams Fund Adams F u n d receipts Hatch F u n d Total SUMMARY. $61 89 $61 89 $17,046 09 904 43 61 89 $18,012 41 General University Trust funds , United States Agricultural Experiment Station Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $201.00 transferred $201.00 transferred $101.26 t ansf erred $145.00 transferred $145.00 transferred $100.00 transferred $100.00 transferred to Animal Husbandry Station—Administration. from Animal Husbandry—Administration. from Dairy Bacteriology Station to Dairy Bacteriology College. from General, 1914-15. to General, 1913-14. to Laboratory, 1914-15. from General, 1914-15. SCHEDULE 3. SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS AS AT DEC. 31, 1914. Cash disbursements. Transfer charges. Open m a r k e t Job orders orders out-| outstanding. standing Land, buildings and equipments Physical plant Administration and general expense College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Agricultural College and Experiment S t a t i o n . . Engineering College and Experiment Station.. Graduate School College of Medicine and Dentistry Other schools and departments Trusts Total.. $186,342 82 $ 7,432 74 $ 6,406 56 $37,085 00 83,473 84 66,753 17 20,046 00 10,182 00 124,827 01 4.889 19 3,920 71 593 00 210,259 90 9,748 69 3,667 881 2,294 50 296,771 19 12,993 23 14*629 55 9,920 50 2,875 361 135,953 86; 3,169 25 1,305 00 1,549 10 17,465 35 7 00 62 43 6,440 3 2 * 78,702 71 2,269 99 312 29 254,385 73 887 47 95 00 22.881 05 $1,410.913 46 $102,793 19 $65,260 79 $61,482 00
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