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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
166 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Dec. 8, The following- buildings have been approved by the Board of Trustees in the order in which they are placed and with the sums indicated, the latter including in some cases the estimate of the cost of furnishing, made by the Supervising Architect. 1. Chemical Laboratory $300,000 2. Addition to the Commerce Building 150,000 3. Vivarium and Insectary 50,000 4. Addition to Natural History Building ..* 75,000 5. Building for the School of Education 150,000 6. Building for engineering a,nd Ceramics, including reconstruction of mechanical engineering laboratory and extension of mining engineering laboratory, completion of the Transportation Building, etc. 225,000 7. Woman's Residence Hall 110,000 8. Music Building (chiefly provided for by Capt. Smith's gift) 250,000 Total $1,310,000 In addition to these buildings, the University should provide for a section of the new Library Building ($250,000), for the beginning of a new plant for the College of Agriculture and Experiment Station ($250,000), for a School of Pharmacy Building ($100,000), and for teaching hospital ($250,000), to be completed as soon as it is possible to obtain the necessary funds. No action was taken in this matter. EXHIBITS AT PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION. . (26) A statement of the arrangements that have been made for the various exhibits of the University at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, including: 1. An exhibit to be placed in the exhibit of the Bureau of Agriculture of the Federal Government. 2. An exhibit of the College of Agriculture in the Illinois exhibit under the care of the Illinois Commission. 3. An exhibit of the University Library in the exhibit of the American Library Association. 4. An exhibit of photographs in the exhibit of the United States Bureau of Education. 5. An exhibit of a model of the University grounds and buildings in the educational exhibit of the State of Illinois. " No action was taken concerning this statement. D E D I C A T I O N OF ORGAN IN A U D I T O R I U M . (27) A statement that the organ for the Auditorium had been finally placed in position and dedicated for use on December 3, 1914, with a concert by Prof. Charles Heinroth, of the Carnegie Institute at Pittsburg. The organ seems to be satisfactory, although there are some difficulties in the way of its functioning, owing to the dampness of the air in the basement of the Auditorium. An effort is making to adjust this difficulty at the present time. No action was taken in this matter. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of November 14, 1914, and. December 3, 1914. On motion of Mr. Hoit, the minutes were approved as printed ahove on pages 136-154-155, inclusive. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY T H E PRESIDENT OF T H E UNIVERSITY. The Secretary presented for record the following list of appointments made by President James to fill vacancies in positions provided for in the budget: Briggs, Evelyn L., Stenographer in the Office of the Comptroller, at a salary of fifty-five dollars ($55) a month, beginning November 1, 1914, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. (November 28, 1914.*) Carothers, H. C, Student Assistant in Anatomy in the College of Medicine, for the first semester of the academic year 1914-15, to give nine hours service a week, at a salary of seventy-five dollars ($75) for the semester. (November 20, 1914.) Dame, Louis, Student Assistant in Anatomy in the College of Medicine, for the first semester of the academic year 1914-15, to give six hours service a week, at a salary of fifty dollars ($50) for the semester. (November 20, 1914.) Hartwell, B. "O., Student Assistant in Anatomy in the College of Medicine, for the first semester of the academic year 1914-15, to give nine hours service a week, at a salary of seventy-five dollars ($75) for the semester. (November 20, 1914.) Heacock, E. M., Assistant in Anatomy in the College of Medicine, for the first semester of the academic year 1914-15, to give nine hours service a week, at a salary of fifty dollars ($50) for the semester. (November 20, 1914.) Jones, Mabel, Temporary Cataloger in the Library, at a salary of sixty-five dollars ($65) a month, beginning December 1, 1914, or as soon as she reports for * The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University.
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