Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1914] PROCEEDINGS OF T H E BOARD OF TRUSTEES. SCHEDULE 351—Concluded. Cash disburse- Transfer ments. charges. Open market orders. 149 Job orders. Total. Experiment Station—Concluded. Agronomy Experiment Station c r o p s Crop production P l a n t breeding: $3,834 53 2.287 35 $28,898 51 $5 20 5 13 $78 38 37 00 $3,918 11 2,329 48 $3 00 $30,216 09 $150) 0 $150 00 $51 69 $1,262 89 United States Experiment S t a t i o n H a t c h soil fertility T o t a l , S c h e d u l e 35 \ $150 00 $150 00 S C H E D U L E 352. STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AS AT SEPT. 30, 1914. Cash disburse- Transfer ments. charges. CollegeAdministration Animal Nutrition.... * Beef c a t t l e Education General and farming Horses Poultry Sheep Swine ; Open market orders. Job orders. Total. $8,898 869 2,057 228 2,066 28 2,475 1,062 653 1,118 83 90 26 98 93 21 84 55 95 29 $ 81 99 $ 46 38 10 55 163 44 45 53 19 90 291 2 1,392 37 283 5 899 3 38 64 28 75 64 60 97 65 30 30 30 00 $ 8 00 $9,280 919 00 3,479 336 00 00 2,360 488 50 3,375 gio'oo 1,275 777 40 00 13 00 1,215 30 59 10 291 10 03 90 13 90 80 14 85 81 19 $19,460 74 Experiment S t a t i o n Administration Beef c a t t l e General and farming Horses Live stock system Sheep Swine Bulletins and publications $ 934 1,478 815 855 520 707 520 824 10 55 53 11 35 12 89 58 90 80 $367 82 $3,018 79 $36 18 97 67 $661 50 $23,508 85 $ 970 1,894 835 1,155 520 710 531 872 10 73 95 61 35 J2 17 83 57 80 $262 25 8 50 $ 56 50 12 00 300 00 8 00 2 28 17 87 $154 00 3 25 29 80 $303 80 $6,667 83 United States Experiment S t a t i o n Adams Animal Nutrition. Adams Genetics Adams Swine $599 98 131 87 3 25 $735 10 Specimens$151 57 Swine Horses T o t a l , S c h e d u l e 35 $376 50 $7,502 13 $599 98 138 72 3 25 $741 95 $151 57 100 00 903 28 $1,154 85 $6 85 $6 85 $100 00 !.. 903 28 $1,054 85 $100 00