UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1451]

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INDEX. Stevenson, L., degree, 79. Steward, R. K., appointment, 52, 800. Stewart, C. L., appointment, 141, 798, 892. degree, 311. fellowship, 58. Stewart, E. H., degree, 306. Stewart, H. W., appointment, 55. Stewart, R., appointment, 280. Stice, H. S„ degree, 304. Stidson, R. O., appointment, 49, 141. Stiegelmeier, Lilly, degree, 309. Stigman, C. W. appointment, 129. Stilhaus, A. W., appointment, 130. Stillwell, H. A., gift, 192. Stinson, I. S., degree, 306. Stinson, L. S., degree, 75. Stinson, Rita, degree, 955. Stipendia, budget, 58. Stipp, Blanche, degree, 307. Stipp, M., appointment, 205, 793. Stirton, J. C, degree, 953. final honors, 960. Stites, Katherine, appointment, 870. Stitt, R. V., degree, 306. Stocker, H. F„ degree, 953. Stoek, H. H., appointment, 53, 800. Stoffel, C, M., degree, 953. Stokes, C. N., degree, 79. Stokes, J. H., appointment, 857. Stolfa, appointment, 205, 870. degree, 956. Stone, A. G., commission, 961. degree, 953. ( final honors, 960. Stone, G. H.. appointment, 205, 808. degree, 955. Stone, F. L., appointment, 129, 840. Stone, H. K., appointment, 797. Stone, T. C, degree, 77. Stoolman, A. W., contracts, 302, 948. Stopp, G. D., commission, 312. degree, 304. Storer, J., appointment, 133. Stores Fund, 853, 949. Stores and transfer accounts, 823, 911. Storey, W. B., appointment, 930. Story, Helen D., degree, 957. Story, R. M., appointment, 51, 251, 797. Stouffer, E. B., appointment, 50. Stout, E. B., degree, 306. Stout, J. E., appointment, 945. Stowell, C J., fellowship, 248, 943. L Strain, S., degree, 242. Strang, R. L., degree, 307. Strauch, H. H., appointment, 928. Streed, J. E., degree, 75. Street car line, protest against, 838. withdrawal of request, 44. Strickland, R. M., degree, 955. Strike on Chemistry Building, 783. Stroheker, F. S., degree, 304, 955. Strong, A. C, degree, 78. Strong, H. A., degree, 304. Strong, H. D., degree, 77. Strong, R. A., degree, 306. Strong, W. A., degree, 75, 955. Strouse, S., appointment, 128, 839. Stuart, C. B., degree, 308. Stubble field, B. M., degree, 305. Student Assistants, 24. Student fees, 209. Student parties in Woman's Building, . 855. Students indebt, registration forbidden, 776. Students, medical, examination of, 865. summary, 36. Students' Handbook, expenditure, 212, 299, 787. Students' Welfare Committee, appointed, 248. report, 856. Studies, University, appropriation, 58.


Stulik, G., degree, 83. Stull, R. T., appointment, 47, 108. Stumpf, E. H., degree, 952. Stunkard, H. W., appointment, 249. degree, 79, 959. Sullivan, T. J. Jr., degree, 308. Sullivan, W. W., degree, 79. Summary of appropriations, 256, 815. budget, 60, 209, 784, 792. degrees, 73, 303, 950. ' expenditures, 210, 786. receipts and disbursements, 84, 142r 169, 252, 812, 900. salaries, 60." student loan funds, 274. students, 36. treasurer's report, 116, 205, 282, 780,. 912. Summer Camp, 287. plan rejected, 767. Summer Session appointments, 249, 892. appropriations, 823. increased, 830. budget, 216, 792. College of Medicine, 120. Committee on Discipline, 298. officers, 13. report on, 118. 131, 855, 914. Summers, A. R., degree, 3 06. Sundell, R. D., degree, 954. Sunderland, E. K., degree, 75. final honors, 81. Supervising Architect, appointment, 52,. 123, 793, 799. budget, 122, 134, 793. office, 12. see White, J. M. Surgery, budget, 833. Suryieh, I. B., degree, 77. final honors, 81. Sutcliffe, Dorothy, degree, 951. Sutcliffe, E. G., appointment, 49, 796, 892. degree, 79. Sutcliffe, Marjorie, degree, 304. Suter, E. K., degree, 76. Sutherland, G. F., degree, 79. Sutherland, J. M., degree, 308. Sutherland, W. M., degree, 955. final honors, 960. Sutter, Rose J., appointment, 870. Sutton, F. H., degree, 952. Swackhamer, W. B., degree, 82. Swan, Grace, appointment, 250. Swank, Edith A., degree, 304. final honors, 312. Swannell, A., degree, 78. Swanson, C. M., degree, 78. Swanson, F. C, degree, 74, 309. honors, 81. Swanson, Frances E., degree, 951. Swanson, N. R., degree, 955. Swartwout, E. C, commission, 961. degree, 955. Swatek, E. P., appointment, 834. Swearingen, Daisy, appointment, 792. Swedish accepted for admission, 190. Sweeny, P. J., degree, 306. final honors, 312. Sweney, M. A., appointment, 248. degree, 957. Swett, L. W., degree, 76, 953. Swick, Mary E., degree, 304. Swick, Nellie M., degree, 951. Swift, R. B., appointment, 124. Swigart, A. C, degree, 955. Swimming pool, use of in Woman's Gymnasium, 44, 203. Swits, Margaret M., degree, 951. Switzer, C, degree, 78. Swope, R. C, degree, 304. Syverson, B. C. degree, 308.