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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1446 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Ryerson, L. H., appointment 795. Reynolds, O. E., degree, 951. Rhea, C. J. J., degree, 306. Rhoades, Hazel, appointment, 806. Rhodes, C. S., degree, 953. Rhoton, A. L., appointment, 892. Ribback, Louis, degree, 307. Rice, G. B., appointment, 793. resignation, 933. Rice, G. C, degree, 75. Rice, H. M., degree, 77. Rice, J. B., appointment, 843. Rich, D. B., degree, 307. Rich, J. L., appointment, 49, 796. Rich, P. C, appointment, 48. degree, 75. honors, 81. Richards, C. R., appointment, 53, 54, 800. Richards, H. M., degree, 75. final honors, 81. Richards, Leonore, degree, 304. Richards, P. M., degree, 311. Richardson, C , degree, 77. Richardson, P. A., degree, 82. Richardson, P. B., Jr., degree, 307. Richardson, Juanita B., degree, 307. Richardson Scale Company, contract awarded, 64. Richart, P. E., degree, 76, 310. final honors, 81. Richart, H., degree, 82. Richey, F. C, appointment, 803. degree, 77. Richmond, G. K., degree, 304. Richter, Camille M., degree, 956. Ricker, N. C, appointment, 52, 799. Ricketts, Clara, appointment, 59, 808. Ricketts, Hazel, appointment, 810. Riemer, E. R., degree, 936. Rietz, H. L., appointment, 50, 54, 797, 802. litigation with, 160, 196. . Riff, D. M., degree, 76. final honors, 81. Rigg, G. L., degree, 955. Riggs, Bess, appointment, 270, 804. Riggs, E. S., appointment, 140, 834. Riley, W. B., land offer, 41. Riley, W. J., degree, 82. Rinaker, Clarissa, appointment, 49, 796. Rinaker, Dorothy S., degree, 304. Ripley, L. B., appointment, 249. degree, 958. fellowship, 944. Risley, W. J., Jr., Hazelton Gold Medal, 961. Ritchey, R. W., degree, 307. Ritts, C. L., commission, 961. degree, 953. Ritzman, R. B., degree, 936. Rives, Nannie B., degree, 305. Road and ground improvement, estimate for, 935. Roadways and pavements, system of, 837. Robbins, D. P., degree, 82. Robbins, Ruth, degree, 304. Robert, J. H., degree, 76. Roberts, E. A., research fellowship, 944. Roberts, E. D., degree. 77. Roberts, Elmer, appointment, 56, 804, 892. Roberts, Prances E., degree, 951. Roberts, Gladys, scholarship, 943. Roberts, H. A., degree, 959. Roberts. Nellie R., appointment, 140, 307, 857. Robertson, H. S., degree, 953. Robertson, Nellie, appointment, 59, 808. Robertson, W. S., appointment, 50, 796. leave of absence, 773. Robinson, A. W., degree. 954. Robinson, C. M., appointment, 57, 805. Robinson, J. L., degree, 946, 955. Raut, A., degree, 77. Ray, B. C, degree, 306. Ray, H. L., degree, 306. Ray, S. H„ degree, 79. Ray burn, A. B., degree, 307. Raycraft, J. W., degree, 242. Rayner, W. H., appointment, 52, 799. Reace, W. T., degree, 306. Read, J. W., appointment, 48. Read, M. K., appointment, 50, 796. degree, 958. Real estate exempted from taxation, 110. Real estate offers, 778. Rebman, P. J., appointment, 53, 800. Receipts and disbursements, 252, 812. 900. Redborg, C. E., degree, 74. Redwood, C. W., appointment, 140. Reece, E. J., appointment, 58, 251, 807, 928. Reed, C. O., appointment, 55, 803. Reed, P. W., appointment, 47, 794. Reed, Gratia J., degree, 304. Reed, H. B., appointment, 140. Reed, R. C, degree, 242. Rees, C. C, appointment, 57. degree, 308. Rees, E. A., appointment, 48, 794. Reese, L. W., commission, 961. degree, 951. Reeves, H. P., degree, 77, 79. Reeves, W. S., appointment, 248. Reference department, library, budget, 808. Refunds to students, 212, 787. Registrar, office, 11. budget, 792. report of fees, 130, 251, 825, 914, 926. report of Summer Session, 118, 131. Registration by colleges, 846. Registration, comparative, 846, 859. Registration of delinquents forbidden, 776. Rehling, C. H., degree, 307. Reid, E. A., degree, 76, 310. final honors, 81. Reid, Mollie, degree, 304. Reilly, R. T., degree, 76. Reimert, R. R., Jr., degree, 76. Rein, L., appointment, 84. Reinhardt, C. H., degree, 308. Reiseman, Henry, degree, 956. Reliable Heating and Plumbing Co., contracts, 104, 302, 948. Renich, A. B., degree, 79. Renich, K. L., degree, 79. Renich, Mary E., appointment, 808. Renner, Julia E., degree, 304. Renner, S. P., degree, 77. Reno, G. B., degree, 304. Rensch, O. B., degree, 82. Rentchler, Edna K., degree, 304. Renwick, G. W., degree, 954. final honors, 960. Renwick. R. M., degree, 74. Renz, Myrtle, appointment, 59, 808. Reports, authority to print, 134. Reportable diseases, 864. Research fellowships, 224, 249, 944. Research grants, budget, 58. Research laboratory, College of Dentistry, 834. . Resignation Professor Baker, 243. Professor Balke, 938. Constance Barlow-Smith, 939. Professor Coffman. 281. Dean Harker as Dean, 949. G. B. Rice. 938. Professor Shaklee, 938. Professor Yensen, 940. Resignations, authority to accept, 61, 810. Ressler, Milton, appointment, 801. Rexwinkle, D. M„ degree* 78.
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