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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX. Plym Fellowship stipend, investment authorized, 782. pogue, H. A., degree, 952. Pogue, P. W., degree, 74. Pogue, R. B., degree, 310. Pogue, S. L.., degree, 78. final honors, 81. Polakow, A. H., degree, 952. Political Science, department of, budget, 51, 797. Pollard, L. J., degree, 77. Pollock, H. R., degree, 77. Pomeroy, J. N., appointment, 58, 108, 807. Pool, E. H., appointment, 184. commission, 312. degree, 304. Poor, C. M., appointment, 50, 250. Pope, L. A., degree, 306. Porter, F. M., appointment, 52, 800. Porter, J. L., appointment, 128, 841. Portrait of Professor Baker presented, 281. Portz, H. G., appointment, 795. Post, F. W., appointment, 809. Post, G. W., appointment, 129, 841. Postel, F. W., degree, 304. Postel, M. A., degree, 74. Poston, F. E., degree, 75. Potter, E. J., degree, 953. Potter, E. V., degree, 306. Potterf, L. O., appointment, 795. Powell, A. R., appointment, 795. Powell, B., degree, 74. Powell, B. E., appointment, 54, 835. to prepare history of University, 919. Power plant, estimate for, 934. Powers, E. B., appointment, 798. Powers, F. R., degree, 307. Powers, Li. T., degree, 77. Practice organ, 865. Practice School, organized, 768. Prall, Beatrice, degree, 955. Prasil, A., appointment, 133. degree, 75. final honors, 81. honors, 81. Pratt, J. B., degree, 952. President, Board of Trustees, election, 218, 917. see Abbott, W. L. University, election, 219. office, 11. budget, 792. see James, Edmund J. President Pro Tempore, elected, 64. Presidents, College, Conference of, 860. Press, University, report of committee on, 941. Preston, F. A., degree, 955. Preston, W. B., degree, 956. Preus, P. R. A., degree, 76. Price, C. B., degree, 955. Price, M. A., appointment, 133. Price, M. O., appointment, 808. Priem, H. W., appointment, 928. Primm, J. K., degree, 952. Primm, P. T., degree, 955. Prince, W. J., degree, 952. Print shop, College of Medicine, 941. Printing of annual reports, authority granted, 134. Printing press for museum requested, 202. Prizes, American Institute of Architects Medal, 932. B'Nai B'rith, 82, 312, 960. Bryan, 312. Phi Beta Kappa, 312, 960. St. Patrick's Day, 932, 961. Probst, Alice, appointment, 805. Professors, assistant, 16. Propst, D. W., degree, 952. 1445 Prosthetic dentistry, department of, appointments, 63. budget, 834. Prosthetic technics, budget, 834. Prouty, E. C, degree, 76. Provine, L. H., appointment, 52, 83, 799. Provisional expense budget, 779. Prucha, M. J., appointment, 56, 804. Pruett, E. F., degree, 955. Psychological Review, subsidy for, 866. Psychology, department of, budget, 51, 797. Public School music, four-year course established, 918. Publications, budget, 787. expenditures, 212. Puckett, H. W., appointment, 281, 796, 892 Puffer, C. L,., degree, 83. Pugh, Ada R., degree, 304. Pulsipher, Irene E., degree, 955. Pump, sump, 285. Punche, A. E., degree, 82. Pung, W. S. C, degree, 77, 310. Purdy, R. H., degree, 305. Purification plant for University water, 226. Pursley, Emma S., degree, 304. Pusey, F. W., degree, 306. Pusey, W. A., appointment, 130, 839. Putnam, Persis, appointment, 59. Putnam, W. J., appointment, 140, 801. Quartetti, Leonard, degree, 936. Quesenberry, Ruth L„ degree, 951. Questel, B. H., degree, 955. final honors, 960. Quick, B. E., appointment, 47, 794. Quick, G. E., degree, 76. final honors, 81. Quick, R. S., appointment, 950. Quine, W. E., appointment, 127, 839. Quinn, B. M., degree, 74. Raab, Anita E., degree, 951. Rackaway, A. W., degree, 83. Radabaugh, R. C, degree, 308. Radcliffe, B. S., appointment, 47, 799. Radebaugh, G. H., appointment, 53, 800. Raffowitz, Frank, degree, 954. Rahn, C, appointment, 140, 797. Rahn, O., appointment, 47. Rahn, R. C, degree, 953. Raiborun, Claude, degree, 952. Railway Engineering, department oi>, budget, 54, 801. officers, 13. Railway fuels, tests of, 888. Railway Industries of Illinois, Advisory Board, 930. Raim, William, degree, 956. Rail, E. R. P., Commission, 312. degree, 305. Raman, H. B., degree, 956. Ramsey, L. W., degree, 77. Randall, T. D., degree, 305. Randolph, H. B., degree, 77. Randolph, O. A., appointment, 54, 102, 251, 801. degree, 959. Rang, C. K., appointment, 870. degree, 74, 955. Rankin, F. H., appointment, 54, 806. Rapp, J. H., degree, 304. Rappaport, B. J., degree, 76. Rappleye, W. C, degree, 304. Ratcliffe,: G., degree, 307. final honors, 312. Ratcliffe, I. L., degree, 952. Rate of interest on Treasurer's balances 232 235. Rathfon, W. O., degree, 305. Ratterman, H. A., purchase of books from, 811.
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