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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
14.44 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Pharmacy, School of, Advisory Committee—Concluded. site, McKey and Poague's bill for, 877. summary of salaries, 61. Phelps, H. H., degree, 307. Phelps, J. C, degree, 76. Phelps, J. M., appointment, 133, 796. degree, 957. Phelps, V. V., appointment, 792. Phi Beta Kappa prize, 312, 960.' Phifer, C. H., appointment, 129, 840. Phillips, A. H., degree, 82. Phillips, J. B., degree, 957. Philosophy, department of, budget, 50, 797. Photographic laboratories, budget, 50, 793. fee, 226. Physical plant, accounts for, 903. appropriations, 816. budget, 786. cash receipts, 814. extension of, estimate, 935. expenditure, 211. operation and maintenance, 211. Physical training, credit for in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 930. Physical training, men, 12. budget, 60, 809. summary of salaries, 61. Summer Session appointment, 251. Physical training, women, 12. appropriation, 919. budget, 60, 809. Director to be appointed, 769. summary of salaries, 61. Summer Session appointments, 251. Physicians and Surgeons, College of, discontinuance of income tax, 235. Physics, admission, requirements for, 243. budget 53, 801. Summer Session appointments, 251. Physiology, College of Medicine, budget, 831. Physiology, department of, appointments, 63. budget, 50, 797. laboratory equipment, 852. Pickels, G. W., appointment, 52, 799. Pickin, J. F., degree, 954. Pickett, B. S., appointment, 57, 805. Pickler, W. E., appointment, 47, 794. Pierce, E. A., degree, 78. Pierce, N., appointment, 128, 841. Pierce, R. C, degree, 311. Pierson, W. R., degree, 952. Pierzynski, T. S., degree, 82. Pihlgard, E. F., commission, 961. degree, 953. final honors, 960. Pike, C. E., appointment, 950. Pike, G. H., degree, 304. Pinault, L. C , degree, 305. Pinkerton, C. C, degree, 308. Pinkney, F. T., degree, 952. Pinkney, L. A., degree, 309. Pino, R. H., degree, 956. Piro, Victor, 956. Pittinger, B. F., appointment, 915. Fitts, J. J., Jr., degree, 74, 307. Plachota, J. J., degree, 83. Plack, T., degree, 76. Planck, C. M., degree, 77. final honors, 81. Plank, J. C. M., degree, 78. Piatt, C, degree, 74. Playman, H. L., degree, 956. Pletcher, Velma C, degree, 951. Plym Fellowship, awarded, 82, 245, 312, 942, 960. extended, 187. letter concerning permanent endowment, 160. Pearce, I. F., degree, 83. Pearce, R. C., appointment, 829, 831. Pearson, F . A., appointment, 56, 804. Pease, A. S., appointment, 49, 795. leave of absence, 883. letter, classical Museum, '202. Pease, T. C, appointment, 50, 796. Peck, Norma L., degree, 307. Peel, T., appointment, 48, 795. Peeples, W. M., degree, 75. Pelc, J., degree, 308. Peltier, G. L., appointment, 57, 805. degree, 310. Pendarvis, W. O., degree, 304. Pendleton, J. C, appointment, 53. Penrose, Alma M., appointment, 58, 184, 807. degree, 307. Peoples, U. J. L., degree, 78. Peponsky, Bernard, research fellowship, 944. Percival, Marion L., degree, 304 Percival, Olive, appointment, 806. Percy, Margaret, appointment, 795. Percy, N. M., appointment, 128, 840. Pergande, Robert, appointment, 53, 801. Perrott, R. H., degree, 952. Perry, Leonora, appointment, 56. Perry, Lorinda, appointment, 918. Perry, Margaret C, degree, 304. Perry, R. G., degree, 306. Perry, W. A., degree, 79. Person, A. G., degree, 956. Peters, Helen A., appointment, 805, 827. Peters, H. E., degree, 82. Vetersen, Elmore, appointment, 52. Peterson, A., appointment, 49. degree, 959. Peterson, Edwin, degree, 308. Peterson, Eleanor S., degree, 955. Peterson, F. W., appointment, 870. Peterson, H. C. R., degree, 76. Peterson, H. M., degree, 956. Peterson, R. W., degree, 956. Peterson, W. A., appointment, 249, 250. Peterson, W. C, degree, 953. Pettit, J. H., appointment, 55. death of, 189. leave of absence, 112. salary to widow, 189. Pfeiffer, A. S., degree, 82. Pharmaceutical chemistry, curriculum lengthened, 866. Pharmacology, department of, appointments, 63. budget, 832. Pharmacy, Advisory Board, 9. appointment, 41. Pharmacy Building, authorization for lease, 43. recommended to be built, 810. repairs oh, 890. site for, 837. Pharmacy lot, 890. opening of street through, 44. removal of houses from, 885. Pharmacy, School of, Advisory Committee appointed, 773. appointments, 63. appropriations for, 823. budget, 61, 216, 792, 807. cash receipts, 815. changes in curriculums, 197, 939. degrees, 83, 242. faculty, 30. graduates, list of, 83, 242, 308, 936, 956. greenhouse, plans, 933. lot sold, 190. need of new lot, 127, 226. needs of, 195. officers, 13. price of lot, 43. report on lease, 124. site for, 836, 838. 849, 861.
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