UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1443]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916
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INDEX. Norwegian accepted for admission, 190. Norwood, L. H., appointment, 856. North, E. P., degree, 76. Novak, F. J., degree, 82. Nowlen, P. A., degree, 307. Noyes, F. B., appointment, 63, 834. Noyes, W. A., appointment, 47, 794. request for chemicals, 136. Nyberg, Florence A., appointment, 800. Nyvall, C. A., degree, 82. O'Bar, A. H., degree, 74. Oberdorfer, H. D., appointment, 793. Otaermiller, O. E. F., degree, 242. O'Brien, L. T., degree, 82. Observatory, new site desired, 111. Obstetrics, department of, appointments, 63. budget, 833. professor to be appointed, 63. Ochsner, A. J., appointment, 128, 840. O'Conner, Ethel L., appointment, 827. degree, 957. O'Conner, W. A., degree, 82. Odell, A. A., degree, 304. Offices, Administrative, expenditures, 211. Offices, Administrative, 11, election of, 917. Ofner, L. I., degree, 308. Ogawa, Y., degree, 310. Ogden, C. H., degree, 308. Ohinata, Chiyozi, degree, 952. Okey, Ruth E., appointment, 795. degree, 310. Oldfather, W. A., appointment, 48, 250 795, 892. promotion, 773. Olewine, J. H., appointment, 795, 843. Olin, H. L., appointment, 48, 794. degree, 80. Olin, Irene B., degree, 304. Oliver, Flossie M., appointment, 843. Oliver, T. E., appointment, 51, 797. leave of absence for Belgian Relief Commission, 835. leave extended, 881. Olmstead, Margaret, appointment, 248. degree, 957. Olsen, Anna M., degree, 304. Olesen, C. F., degree, 954. Olseng, H. C, degree, 307. Olson, A. M., degree, 74. Olson, R. H., degree, 305. O'Neil, J. P., appointment, 870. Operating department, automobile for, 860. Operative dentistry, appointments, 63. budget, 834. Operative technics, appointments, 63. budget, 834. Opie, Glen E., degree, 951. Oral surgery, appointments, 63. budget, 834. Orchestra concerts, arrangements for, 225. expenditures, 212, 787. income from, 209, 785. Orcut, A. H., appointment, 928. • degree, 75, 77. Order department, library, budget, 80S. Ordonez, B. R., appointment, 249. degree, 77. Organ, acceptance of, 196. additional appropriation, 47. dedication of, 166. practise, 865. fees for use of, 919. Organization and Efficiency, Committee on, report, 108. Orloff, Leo, degree, 956. Ormsby, L. M., degree, 75. Orr, C, degree, '74. Orr, C. C, degree, 83. Orr, H. V., degree, 76.


Orr, M. E., degree, 74. Ortmann, A. A., degree, 956. Osmond, Edith G., appointment, 60, 809. Osborn, L. G., degree, 75. scholarship, 943. Osborne, Pauline T., degree, 951. Ott, D. K, degree, 954. Ousley, H. P., degree, 74. Outland, L. C, appointment, 870. Outten, G. P., election, 197. Owen, C. N., commission, 961. degree, 954. Owen, H. L., degree, 953. Owens, A. W., appointment, 794. Owens, R. W., degree, 76, 310. final honors, 81. honors, 81. Pacack, F., degree, 308. Packard, Bessie, appointment, 57, 806. Pagin, J. B., degree, 954. Paine, E. B., appointment, 52, 83, 799. Paine, O. A., degree, 75, 309. Palm, F. O, appointment, 249. degree, 309. fellowship, 944. Palmer, J. C, degree, 76. Palmer. W. H., appointment, 249. Palmer. W. K., appointment, 806. Panama-Pacific Exposition, appropriation for exhibition, 162. exhibits, 166. Panhorst, F. W., degree, 305. final honors, 312. Pankau, F. A., degree, 936. Pantagraph Printing and Stationery Co., contract, 920. Parcel, J. J., appointment, 52. Parelczyk, Joseph, appointment, 870. Parish, W. L., degree, 953. final honors, 960. scholarship, 943. Park, J. C, appointment, 250, 893. Park, J. W., degree, 76. Parker, E. K., appointment, 249. Parker, H. L., degree, 78. Parker, K., degree, 80. Parker, R. W., degree, 306. Parker, W. K., degree, 307. Parkins, E. H., degree, 77. Parkinson, K. W., degree, 954. Parks, Wilma G., degree, 304. Parr, L. A. H., degree, 78. Parr, Rosalie, appointment, 47, 794. degree, 959. Parr, S. W., appointment, 47, 794, 802. Parsons, Maude E., appointment, 57, 806. Parsons, M. S. L., degree, 78. Partridge, N. K., appointment, 249. Partridge, N. L., degree, 80. fellowship, 944. Pasewalk, L. H., degree, 76. Paskind, Jacob, degree, 956. Pasmore, D. F., appointment, 249. degree, 79. Patents on discoveries, 879. Pathak. M. L., degree, 953. Pathology, department of, appointments, 63. budget, 832, 834. Patten, N. B., Jr., degree, 305. Patterson, C. R., degree, 307. Patton, J. M., appointment, 127, 839. Paul, H. G., appointment, 49, 795, 892. Paul, Katherine H., appointment, 857. Pauli, A. F., degree, 951. honors, 960. scholarship, 943. Pavement, driveway, 298. Healey street, assessment for, 937. Paving assessment, notice of, 295. Payne, V. L., degree, 75. Peadro, Bernice F., degree, 951. Peadro, E. D.. degree, 76.