UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1433]

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IKDEX. Horticulture, Advisory Board, 9. credit for in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 930. Horticulture, department of, appropriations, 821. assignment of land, 121, 220. automobile truck, request for, 47. budget, 214, 805.< building, plans for, 922. cash receipts, 813. departmental sales, 209, 785. expenditures, 214, 790. field laboratory, estimate for, 934. plans for, 937. land, request for, 46. Horwich, L. J., degree,. 75. Hosford, Susan E., degree, 951. Hoskins, E. E., appointment, 55, 802. leave of absence, 929. Hoskinson, B. Q., degree, 951. Hoskinson, Otis, degree, 957. Hospital bills, paid for Otto Kreigle, 162. paid for E. C. Lewis, 226. Hospital, need for, 126. Hostetler, J. C, appointment, 184. Houchens, Josie B., appointment, 59, 808. Hougen, O. A., scholarship, 943. Hough, C. F., degree, 955. Hough, H. E., degree, 74. Hough, J. P., degree, 308. Hough, W. H., commission, 961. degree, 953. Hbuser, Irma L., degree, 951. Household Science, department of, assistant professor to be appointed, 881. budget, 57, 214, 806. cafeteria, income from, 209, 785. Summer Session appointments, 250. Housman, J. S., degree, 76. House, sale of, on engineering tract, 122. Houston, R., appointment, 203. Hottes, C. P., appointment, 47, 249, 794. Howe, C. R., degree, 954. Howe, E. G., Jr., degree, 77. Howe, H. J., degree, 78. Howe, W. T., degree, 954. Howes, H. E., degree, 77. Howell, Grace L., degree, 951. Howard, J. W., degree, 310. Howard, W. S., degree, 82. Howk, C. D., degree, 304. Hoy, A., appointment, 139, 833. Hsu, C. Y., degree, 309. Hsu, T. H., degree, 309. Hu^bbard, Marie E., appointment, 59, 808. degree, 304. Hubbard, W. W., degree, 953. final honors, 960. Hubbart, C. C , degree, 306. Hubney, M., appointment, 128. Hudelson, C. W„ degree, 79. Huenink, H. L., appointment, 810. Huston, J. A., degree, 78. Huey, J. D., degree, 78. Huff, G. A., appointment, 60, 251, 809, 893. Huffer, C. M., scholarship, 944. Hufford, C. T., degree, 934. Hufford, R. W., appointment, 795. Hughes, C. A., degree, 77. Hughes, Mary, appointment, 869. Hughitt, Anna L., appointment, 60, 809. Huisken, A. H., commission, 312. degree, 305. Hulce, R. S., appointment, 56, 804. Hull, A. H., appointment, 795. Hull, A. L., degree, 79. Hull, S. M., appointment, 132, 794. degree, 305. honors, 311. Hultman, O. N., appointment, 915. Humiston, C. E., appointment, 128, 840.


Humphrey, K. B., degree, 953. Humphrey, R. I., degree, 956. Hungerford, C. E., degree, 954. Hunt, F. S., degree, 953. final honors, 960. Hunt, G. S„ degree, 946. Hunt, L. L., degree, 954. Hunt, O. L., appointment, 881. Hunter, J. A., degree, 74. Huntington, H. I., degree, 954. Hursh, R. K., appointment, 47, 83, 781, 799. Husband, R. M., appointment, 52. Hussey, B. E., degree, 82. Husted, G. H., degree, 306. Husted, L. A., degree, 306. Hustvedt, S. B., appointment, 796. Huston, H. S., degree, 936. Hutchins, Margaret, appointment, 59, 808. degree, 307. Hutchinson, J., appointment, 57, 805. Hutchinson, O. C. K., commission, 961. degree, 954. Hutchinson, R., degree, 74. Hwasser, A. J., appointment, 103. Hyatt, E. G., appointment, 869. Hyde, Edith, degree, 307. Hygiene, professor of, to be appointed, 63. Hyndman, Robert, Jr., degree, 953. Hyort, A. M., appointment, 48. Hypes, G. W., degree, 954. Hypes, J. L., degree, 951. Hyslop, W. H., appointment, 54, 801. Ice, N. C , degree, 305. ' Ice-cream, room for sale of, 162. Ignatius, Arshavid, degree, 956. Ikeda, K., degree, 82. Illinois coals, test of, 885. Illinois National Guard, commissions in, 82, 312, 961. relations with, 932. Illinois Women's College, trusteeship, 118. Imes, O. S., degree, 953. Import orders, College of Medicine, 225. Improvements, land, 210. Inagaki, N., degree, 74, 79. Income, Agricultural College, 212. budget, 209, 784. policy concerning, 165. federal, 209. State Water Survey, 809. Tax, P. & S. bonds, discontinuance of, 235. Industrial museum, 935. Infirmary, appointments, 63. College of Dentistry, budget, 834. Information Office, 12. expense, 787. Ingals, H. B., degree, 955. Ingals, N. L., degree, 79. Ingals, Sherman, degree, 955. final honors, 960. Injuries to employees, legal opinion, 769. Instruction Committee, appointed, 248. Instruction, officers of, 13. Instructors, 19. enlistment in National Guard, 44. Insull, S., presentation of engine by, 879. Insurance payment on fire in medical college, 110, 127. Interest, budget, 785. College of Medicine, 193. payment of, 782. rate on Treasurer's balances, 205, 209, 218, 23.2, 235, 780. request for credit, 781. State Treasurer, from, 781. International Railway Fuel Association, 888.