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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1432 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Hornal, W., degree 307. Hoff, E., degree, 308. Hoffert, Anna C, degree, 304. Hoffman, A. C , degree, 306. Hoffman, F. J., degree, 75. Hoffman, Goldie, degree, 308. Hoffman, H. P., degree, 82. Hoffman, R. W., appointment, 57. Hofto, J. A., appointment, 249, 102. fellowship, 944. Hogue, J. H., appointment, 139, 800. Hogue, S. M., appointment, 47, 794. Hohman, E. P., conference medal, 961. degree, 951. honors, 960. honorable mention, 960. scholarship, 944. Hoit, M. E., commission, 312. degree, 3061 Hoit, O. W., Executive Committee, member of, 219, 917. Agriculture Committee, 248, 926. Finance Committee, 248, 926. Medicine and Pharmacy Committee, 248, 926. Hojnacke, S. H., degree, 936. Hoke, K. J., appointment, 892. Holbrook, E. A., appointment, 53, 800. degree, 959. Holinger, A. C, degree, 953. final honors, 960. Hollandsworth, Blanche L., degree, 951. Hollard, H. W., degree, 306. Hollcroft, T. R., appointment, 249. fellowship, T. R., 944. Hollender, A. R., degree, 308. Hollehsherd, E. J., degree, 83. Hollis, D. R., degree, 951. Hollister, N. P., degree, 307. final honors, 312. Hollister, H. A., appointment, 49, 250, 793, 795. Holley, C. E., degree, 311. Hollmers, W. D., degree, 308. Holloway, Dorris J., degree, 951. Holmburger, M., Jr., degree, 306. final honors, 312. Holmes, C. V., degree, 952. Holmes, W. E., degree, 76. Holt, A. P., degree, 77. Holt, S. V., appointment, 55, 802. Holton, F. L., degree, 74. Holton, J. T., appointment, 795. Holtze, H. S., degree, 953. Homann, F., degree, 75, 77. Home Economics, extension work, 224. Hommel, P. R. V., degree, 956. Honda, R. S., degree, 82. Honors, 81, 311, 960. Honovske, B. R., appointment, 48. Hood, C. F., appointment, 184. commission, 312. degree, 306. Hood, S. T., degree, 83. Hoover, I., degree, 74. Hope, Leona, appointment, 250, 842, 892. Hopkins, B. S'., appointment, '48, 249, 794, 892. Hopkins, C. G., appointment, 55, 802. Hopkins, E. B., degree, 76. Hopkins, G. S., degree, 952. Hopkins, J. K., Agriculture Committee, 248. Finance Committee, 248. death of, 272. Hoppes' Manufacturing Company, contract awarded, 64. Horiuchi, Kiyoshi, degree, 956. Hormel, Dorothy S., degree, 951. Hormel, Olive D., degree, 951. honors, 960. Hormell, C. C, appointment, 250, 251. Horning, R. A., degree, 75. Hert, A. T., cooperation in coal test, 885. Hess, J. H., appointment, 128, 839. Hess, R. W„ appointment, 48, 794. degree, 78, 959. Hesselbaum, C. E., degree, 74. Hessler, C, appointment, 50, 797. Hester, E., appointment, 132, 808. Heuse, E. O., appointment, 48, 794. degree, 80. Heidkamp, E. N., degree, 76. Heitkamp, G. W., degree, 79. Hewes, C. K., degree, 80. Hibbard gift of old coins, 938. Hibbs, H. H. Jr., appointment, .51. Hibernians St. Patrick's Day prize, 932. Hickman, J. B., degree, 304. Hicks, J. F. G., appointment, 842. degree, 958. Hiebel, L. B., degree, 955. final honors, 960. Hieronymus, R. E., appointment, 108, • 798, 806. Higgins, Irma M., degree, 951. Higgins, G. M., appointment, 102, 798. degree, 957. Higgins, M. B., degree, 76. High School Conference, 922. High School Visitor, office of, 12. budget, 793. Higley, R., appointment, 249. fellowship, 944. Hildebrandt, P. I., degree, 83. Hill, C. F., appointment, 54, 801. degree, 75, 957. final honors, 81. Hill, C. J., degree, 78. Hill, C. S., degree, 77. Hill, Fanny W., appointment, 856. degree, 307. Hill, F. J., degree, 953. Hill, J. E., degree, 954. Hill, J. W., degree, 76. Hill, Lucy B., degree, 955. Hill, Mary, appointment, 249. Hill, R. M., scholarship, 943. Hill, W. E., degree, 954. Hill, W. M., degree, 74. Hillman, A. B., degree, 76. Hillebrand, H. N., appointment, 49, 796, 892 Hills,' L. J., degree, 306. Hilscher, Ralph, appointment, 810. Hinch, L. D., degree, 83. Hinds, M. E., degree, 80. Hinman, R. B., degree, 306. Hinshaw, H. E., degree, 75. Hinshaw, J. H., degree, 955. Hirschl, J. E., degree, 75. Hirt, E. G. Jr., degree, 953. Hirth, Laura E., degree, 955. Hirtzel, Clara L., degree, 304. Hiskey, G. N., appointment, 103, 833. degree, 82. Histology and Orthodontia, department of, appointments, 62. budget, 834. Historian, University, appointed, 293, 919. History, department of, budget, 50, 796. * Summer Session appointments, 250. Hitchcock, E. W., degree, 306. Hitt, Agnes V., degree, 304. Hitt, Katherine, degree, 304. Hitt, Mabel, degree, 951. Hixson, A. H., appointment, 63. Hjort, A. M., degree, 48, 75, 310. Ho, N. C, degree, 304. Hoaglund, A. W., degree, 308. Hodgins, W. B., degree, 76. Hodsdon, Ruth E., degree, 309. Hoehn, F. J. A., degree, 953. Hoerner, F. A., degree, 304. final honors, 312. honors, 311.
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