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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
144 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . S C H E D U L E 2—Concluded. Month ending Sept. 30, 1914. [Nov. 14, Previously reported. Physical p l a n t Buildings , Grounds Heating and lighting Labor RentsArmory Houses Sale of houses Supervising Architect's office. Telephone exchange Total. MiscellaneousAccountancy ;... Alumni Record Blue printing Business office Fee collectionsGeneral and laboratory. .*, Lockers Men's Gymnasium—general. Lockers Men's Gymnasium—faculty.. Lockers Women's Gymnasium Lockers shop and laboratory F r e s h m e n Advisers Gregory Memorial Interest on endowment fund Library salaries Library Library stacks additions Lincoln Hall i m p r o v e m e n t s . . . , Morrill F u n d . Military Department Nelson F u n d Orchestral concerts '. Office supply stores • President's office Printograph..., Physical plant stores Summer Session 1914 Student Associations W a t e r survey Total. School of P h a r m a c y Laboratory deposits Laboratory balances 1913-1914. Matriculation Tuition Total Total—general funds See Schedule 301, total. Adams Fund..." Adams Fund receipts Hatch Fund Total. General University Trust Funds : ' United States Agricultural Experiment Station . Total , SUMMARY. TRUST FUNDS. Total receipts. $ 63 81 1 84 30 00 193 50 330 00 261 02 4 75 • $ 1 00 1 00 308 19 24 69 60 00 500 00, 47 33 $942 21 $ 64 81 1 00 , 310 03 24 69 -30 00 253 50 830 00 308 35 4 75 $1,827 13 ; 75 13 50 137 19 10 50 76,481 00 1,381 00 73 00 318 50 103 00 25 00 15 06 16,211 07 8 00 31 120 82 81 25,000 00 2 02 25,000 00 1,854.00 167 62 1 25 16 52 13 62 85 50 25 31 35 $147,071 64 $1,861 00 81 370 00 8,087 00 75 13 50 136 89 10 50 907 50 20 00 6 50 25 00 15 06 16,211 07 8 00 31 25,000 00 75,573 50 1,361 00 73 00 312 00 103 00 120 82 81 2 02 "25,666*66 167 34 1 25 12 43 85 50 *3i*35 $67,652 95 1,854 00 28 4 09 13 62 $79,418 69 $ 1,861 00 $ 81 120 00 170 00 $290 81 $93,570 06 $1,134 02 : $3,750 00 3,750 00 $7,500 00 $93,570 06 1,134 02 7,500 00 250 00 7,917 00 00 1 $10,318 81 $98,896 19 $18,596 95 B192,466 25 $19,730 97 $3,750 00 19 50 3,750 00 $7,519 50 UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. $19 50 $19 50 $98,896 19 $192,466 25 18,596 95 19,730 97 19 50 •7,519 50 $219,718 72 $102,204 08 $117,512 64
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