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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1430 UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS. Hahn, F., degree, 308. Hahn, F. C, appointment, 842. degree, 952. Haines, F. L., degree, 952. Haines, H. E., degree, 83. Hakanson, A. F., appointment, 48. Hakanson, E. G., appointment, 139. degree, 308. Hake, Minnie T., degree, 951. Halas, W. H., degree, 953. Halbert, S. K., degree, 82. Halbruge, C. M., degree, 952. Hale, W. G., appointment, 58, 807. Hall, C. G., conference with E. C. Schmidt, 888. Hall, J., appointed examiner in accountancy, 224. Hall, T. D., degree, 77. Hall, L. G., degree, 306. Hall-Quest, A. L., appointment, 49. Hall, R. P., degree, 77. Hall, S. R. C, degree, 78. Halley, J., appointment, 83. Halliday, Mabel, appointment, 804. Halliday, Ruth, degree, 74. Halliwell, Pauline, degree, 951. Halstead, A. E., appointment, 128, 840. Halterman, H. J., degree, 306. Halushka, Gertrude, degree, 303, 311. Hamil, E. C, degree, 953. final honors, 960. special honors, 960. Hamilton, A. V., appointment, 54. Hamilton, C. C, appointment, 796. degree, 958. fellowship, 944. Hammer's ateliers for scientific models, 855. Hammitt, A. B., degree, 305. . Hammitt, Susan, appointment, 869. Hammond, W. C, appointment, 129, 840. Handschin, W. F., appointment, 56, 139, 8.02, 803. Hanes, E. F., degree, 74. Hanes, Helen' L., degree, 75. Hanford, A. C, appointment, 51, 229. Hanford, Marguerite M., degree, 303. Hanford, W. W., appointment, 810. degree, 310. Hanger, J. H., appointment, 132. Handke, P. A., degree, 75. Hankins, O. G., degree, 77. Hann, G. W., degree, 305. Hannah, H. I., degree, 307. Hannush, Paul, degree, 954. Hansen, H. O., degree, 308. Hansen, M. L., degree, 77. Hansen, P., appointment, 53, 801, 810. Hansen, R., appointment, 54, 802. degree, 77. Hansen, Stanley, degree, 954. Hanson, F. B., degree, 309. Hanson, R. W., degree, 76. Hao, T. C, degree, 952. Harbarger, Sada A., appointment, 49, 796. Harder, O. E., degree, 310. Harding, A. A., appointment, 57, 807, 809. degree, 955. Harding, H. A., appointment, 56, 804. Harding, L. A., appointment, 800. resignation, 889. Hardinger, R. W., degree, 75. Harger, J. R., appointment, 129, 840. Harker, O. A., appointment, 58, 793, 807. letter, mill tax, 919. site for women's dormitory, 137. Walsh estate, 272. opinion, Rush Medical College, 875. lapsing of State appropriations, 777. liability of University, 769. Margaret Lange James Loan Fund, 185. Greene, J. H., degree, 310. Greene, J. N., appointment, 184. commission, 312. degree, 306. Greenhouse attendant, classification, 201. Greenfield, Edman, degree, 957. Greengard, L. J., degree, 954. final honors, 960. special honors, 960. Greenwald, S. C, degree, 308. Greenwood, R. L., degree, 936. Gregory, Allene, appointment, 796. Gregory Memorial Building, sketch of, 899. pamphlet, appropriation voted, 107. Greison, H. P., commission, 961. degree, 952. Gridley, W. W., degree, 952. Griesbaum, E., degree, 76. Grieser, L. O., degree, 954. , Griffin, C. E., appointment, 248. degree, 309. fellowship, 943. Griffin, Fred, appointment, 893. Griffin, J. M., degree, 306. Griffin, W. L., degree, 74. Griffith, C. P., degree, 76. Griffith, F. D., degree, 954. Griffith, Mabel F., appointment, 793. Griffith, Mildred E., degree, 303. Griffiy, R„ degree, 82. Griftner, J. H., degree, 306. Grimes, N. C, appointment, 139. Grimson, J. S., appointment, 945. Grindley, H. S., appointment, 56, 803. Griswold, G. D., Commission, 312. degree, 306. Gross, C. R., appointment, 794, 915. Gross, G. A., appointment, 53, 800. Grossman, A. T., certificate, 138. Grossman, D. A., degree, 955. Grout, A. P., death of, 860. Groves, C. W., degree, 78. Grunewald, A. H., Jr., appointment, 184. commission, 312. degree, 306. Grunewald, H. C, degree, 953. Gruner, J. E., degree, 953. Gubbins, Maud, appointment, 63, 834. Guffin, Lillian I., degree, 303. Guild, T. H., appointment, 49. Guild, F. H., appointment, 249. Gum, H. A., degree, 954. Gumm, L. M., degree, 953. Gunderson, A. J., appointment, 57, 805. Gunkel, W. W., degree, 952. Gunnell, P. M., degree, 307. Guns, field, request for, 156. Gunsaulus, F. W., gift to University, 942. Gusler, G., appointment, 280, 892. Gustafson, A. F., appointment, 55, 802. Gustafson, G. P., degree, 952. Gutberlet, J. E., degree, 81. Gwinn, A., degree, 75. Gwinn, Edith, degree, 304. Gymnasium Annex, gallery in, 867. Haan, G. W., commission, 312. Haag, V. W., appointment, 203, 305. Haas, L. J., appointment, 250. Habbe, R. H., degree, 74. Hada, Katsuki, degree, 951. Hadden, C. G., commission, 961. degree, 954. Haddon, S. B., degree, 76. Hadley, H. F., degree, 80. Haessler, Carl, 50, 797. Haessler, Clara L., fellowship, 944. Haffner, L. L., degree, 242. Hagan, T. A., degree, 954. Hagener, A., degree, 305. final honors, 312. Haggott, W. S., degree, 306. Hague, Stella, appointment, 47, 794.
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