UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Dentistry, College of—Concluded, officers, 13. registration, 847. summary of salaries, 61. Dentistry, Curriculum in, extended, 777. Denton, W. W., appointment, 50, 797. Denz, R. E., degree, 951. Departmental libraries, budget, 809. Departments, general, budget, 787. expenditures, 211. needs presented, 168. Deposits, 780. Derick, C. G., appointment, 48, 794. Summer Session appointment, 249, 892. DeSwarte, C. G., degree, 306. Detering, O. C, degree, 304. Detlefsen, J. A., appointment, 56, 803. DeTurk, J. A., appointment, 184, 800. Deveneau, G. A., appointment, 869. Devers, W. E., degree, 82. Devine, H., degree, 76. Devine, Jeanette, appointment, 802, 869. Dewey, E. W., degree, 936. Dewey, I. B., degree, 79. Dewey, Kaethe, appointment, 834. Dewey, V. P., degree, 74. DeWolfe, Lucy L., degree, 951. DeWolfe, M. E., degree, 74. Dewsnup, E. R., appointment, 51, 798. Dexter, L. B., degree, 74, 307. Diamond, I. B., appointment, 128, 839. Dibelka, J. B., bill, 783. see Architects, State. Dibell, H. C, degree, 952. Dick, H. K., degree, 76. Dickenson, R. W., appointment, 55, 803. Dickerson, E. B., degree, 74. Dickerson, I. W., appointment, 55, 802. Didcoct, J. J., appointment, 793, Dieckmann, T. W., appointment, 139. degree, 304. Dierks, G. W., appointment, 139. degree, 308. Dietmeier, C. R., degree, 952. Dietzer, Alice M., degree, 304. Dillavou, E. R., commission, 312. degree, 304. Dillenback, L. C, appointment, 842. Dingledine, I. W., degree, 304. Diphtheria, examination for. 865. Directory, matriculants, authorization to print, 163, 920, 947. price of, 163. honorarium for V. V. Phelps, 947. Dirks, B. E. G., degree, 305. Discipline, Committee on, Summer Ses* sion, 298. Discoveries, patents on, 879. Diseases, reportable, 864. Dispensary, budget, 833.. College of Medicine, 120. appointments, 63. Dittmar, G. W., appointment, 63, 834. Dix, E. J., degree, 306. Dixon, R. E., appointment, 49, 796. Dixson, R. J., degree, 956. Doane, Alice M., scholarship, 943. Dobbins, V. T., degree, 306. Dodd, T. F., degree, 311. Dodd, W. P., appointment, 51, 108. Dodds, Eva, degree, 74. Dodds, Lois E., degree, 951: Dodge, D. K., appointment, 49, 250, 795. Doherty, Margaret I., degree, 307. Doisy, E. A., appointment, 139. degree, 75, 958. final honors, 81. honors, 81. Doktorsky, Maurice, degree, 956. Doktorsky, P. I., degree, 83. Dole, Ethel M., degree, 307. final honors, 312.

Davis, S. S., commission, 312. . degree, 306. Davis, T. A., appointment, 128, 840. degree, 76. Davis, Vera M., appointment, 803. Davison, C, appointment, 128, 840. Davisson, B. S., appointment, 48. degree* 78. Dawson, E. R., appointment, 797. Dawson, Helen M., degree, 303. Day, Nelle, appointment, 869. Day, W. B., appointment, 63, 807. letter, Advisory Board, 41. letter, lease of building, 43. recommendation, changes in courses, 197. Day, W. T., degree, 955. Deakman, H. W., d.egree, 305. Deal, E., appointment, 132. Dean, B. E., degree, 74. Dean, College of Commerce, authority to appoint, 767. College of Medicine, 837. of Men, appropriation for, 942. budget, 792. office, 12. of Women, office, 12. budget, 792'. Dean, P. M., appointment, 48. degree, 959. Dean, R. H., scholarship, 943. Deaver, L. A., degree, 953. Debel, N. H., appointment, 249. degree, 959. DeCamp, J. E., appointment, 51. Decker, B. H., commission, 312. degree, 306. Decker, E. H., appointment, 58, 807. Deed, Smith lands, error in, 223. Deets, H. B., degree, 77. Defendall, P. N., degree, 79. DeForest, L., degree, 76. Degrees, Agriculture, 77, 954. authority to confer, 288, 947. awarded, 82. . Commerce and Business Administration, 952. conferred, 73, 242, 303, 936, 950. Dentistry, 83. 308, 956. Engineering, 75, 305, 953. Graduate School, 78, 308, 956. Law, 78, 307, 955. Liberal Arts and Sciences, 303, 951. Library, 78, 307, 955. list of, 73, 242, 303, 936, 950. Literature and Arts, 74, 303, 951. Medicine, 82, 308, 956. Music, 78, 307, 955. Pharmacy, 83, 242, 308, 936, 956. Professional, 311, 959. Summary, 73, 303, 950. DeHaan. M. R., degree, 82. Deiss, W. C, degree, 306. Deist, M. W., appointment, 834. degree, 308. DeLany, C. M., appointed Examiner in Accountancy, 224, 918. DeLeuw, C. E., degree, 959. deLima, M. P., degree, 953. Delinquents, registration forbidden, 776. DeMott, R. V. L., degree, 74. Demuth, J. E., degree, 304. Dent, J. A., appointment, 53, 800. Dental Building; changes in. 868, 879. Dental Surgery, Chicago College of, 883. Dentistry. College of, appointments, 63, 834. appropriations for, 63, 822. budget 61, 830, 834, 837. cash receipts, 814. commencement at Urbana, 192, 228. degrees, 83, 308, 956, expense account, 834. faculty, 29. needs, 195.