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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX. Corpus, T. P., degree, 308. Corrubia, A. B. M., appointment, 52, 799. Corson, H. P., appointment, 48, 79J, 810. degree, 310. typhoid fever investigation, 43. Cort, W. W., degree, 81. Cortesi, Dante, degree, 936. Cosola, A. D., degree, 956. Cotton, S. O., degree, 956. Coultas, F. A., degree, 74. Coultas, L. 1VL, degree, 79. Council of Administration, 11. appropriation, 938. expenditure, 211, committee for summer, 298. Cover, Hazel W., appointment, 806. Coverly, W. E., degree, 83. Covey, A. C, degree, 74. Cowgill, C. H., degree, 953. Cowley, F. K., appointment, 52. Cox, A. E., degree, 74. Cox, E. H., fellowship, 943. Cox, R. W., degree, 77. Coyle, J. P., degree, 79. Craft, G. E., degree, 77. Craig, Florence M., appointment, 915. Craig, Jennie A., appointment, 59, 808. Craigmile, Jeanette E., appointment, 799. Crain, C. M., degree, 304. Cramer, M., appointment, 842. Crandall, C. S., appointment, 56, 805. Crandall, W. T., appointment, 56, 249, 804. Crane, D. W., commission, 961. degree, 954. Crane, Rufus, appointment, 52, 250, 800. Crathorne, A. R., appointment, 50, 797, 893. Cravens, T. S., degree, 954. Crawford, C. C, appointment, 795. Crawford, C. W., degree, 306. final honors, 312. Crawford, F. N., degree, 958. Crawford, H. G. M., scholarship, 944. Crawford, Helen L., degree, 304. Crawford, J. A., degree, 958. Crawford, R. A., appointment, 839, 869. Crehs, J. P., degree, 954. Creek, H. L., appointment, 49, 796. Creighton, E. W., degree, 306. Cressey, Lucretia, degree, 303. Crigler, Nina B., appointment, 57. Crilly, S. G., certificate, 138. Criss, E., degree, 307. Crist, R. J., degree, 936. Crockerland expedition, 942. e appropriation, 58. Croll, Hilda M., degree, 951. scholarship, 944. Cronk, Clara G., degree, 77. Crooker, S. J., degree, 310. Crooker, S. J., appointment, 249. fellowship, 944. Crooks, F. R., appointment, 128, 839. Crooks, H. F., degree, 952. Crosby, H. F., degree, 954. Cross, A. J., degree, 956. Cross, G. A., degree, 954. Cross, S. H., appointment, 945. Crown, Astrid E., appointment, 927. Crutchfield, William, degree, 953. Cruzan, M. A., appointment, 796. degree, 74. Cuerdon, Fay, appointment, 915. Cullum, W. H., appointment, 249. degree, 957. Gulp, J. D., degree, 953. Culver, H. B., appointment, 856. Cummings, H. D., degree, 304. Cummins, W. E., degree, 307. final honors. 312. Cunningham, H. E., appdintment, 792. delegation of signing of warrants, 222, 779, 835, 918. letter of transmiH-».J, a. 1423 Cunningham, H. E.—Concluded. salary fixed, 227. secretary of board, 218, 917. Curator, assistant, appointed, 103. Curl, H.,' appointment, 139, 831, 842. Curl, M. J., appointment, 49, 250, 796. Curtis, Florence R., appointment, 581, 807. Curtiss, George, appointment, 915. commission, 961. degree, 954. Curtiss, W. G., degree, 955. Cushman, Agnes B., degree, 956. Cushman, R. E., appointment, 280, 797. Cusick, G. W., degree, 82. Cusick, W. A., degree, 956. Cusing, H. I., degree, 79. Custer, Emma L., appointment, 803. Quthbert, Dorothy L., degree, 951. scholarship, 943. Cutler, Floy F., degree, 309. Cutler, I. H., degree, 308. Cutler, John, degree, 76. final honors, 81. Cutshall, R. W., degree, 75. Cutting, L. D., degree, 956. Dace, F. E., degree, 76. da Costa, M. F., degree, 953. Dailey, G. L., degree, 308. Dairy Husbandry, Advisory Board, 9. appropriations for, 820. budget, 56, 214, 804. cash receipts, 813. credit for in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 930. Dalbey, Nora E., appointment, 47, 794. Dale, H. M., degree, 74. Dale, P. M., appointment, 128, 839. Dallenbach, J. H., degree, 76. Dalton, C. E., appointment, 795. Dame, L., appointment, 166. Dammers, J. W., degree, 952. Daniels, A. H., appointment, 50, 797. Danielson, R. R., appointment, 47, 799. degree, 75, 958. Danz, H. O., degree, 76. Darling, U. G., appointment, 128. Darrah, Juanita E., appointment, 48. degree, 310. Dass, B., degree, 75. Datz, C. P., appointment, 139. Dauberman, Margaret L., degree, 303. Daugherty, Anna E., degree, 303. Daugherty, H. P., degree, 74. Davenport, A. V., degree, 74. Davenport, Eugene, appointment, 54, 802. letter, new building, 923. Davenport, G. K, appointment, 129, 840. David, E., appointment, 103, 830. David, Paul, appointment, 103, 830. David, Simon, appointment, 830. Davidson, C. E., degree, 936. Davidson, C. N., appointment, 48, 794. degree, 958. Davidson, L. J., appointment, 248. degree. 957. Davies, R. E., degree, 75. Davis, A. I*., degree, 82. Davis, Bertha, appointment, 842. Davis, Clara E., degree, 955. Davis, D. J., salary, 832. Davis, E. H., degree, 78. Davis, G. B., degree, 242. Davis, H. I., appointment, 128, 840. Davis, J. W., appointment, 102, 800. Davis, Martha L.. degree, 951. Davis, Mary B., degree, 957. Davis, R. E., appointment, 52, 799. degree, 958. Davis, Ruth K., degree, 309. Davis, R. L., appointment, 47, 794. degree, 956. Davis, R. R., degree, 242.
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