UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1421]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916
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INDEX. Cassell, L. S., degree, 82. Casserly, J. B., degree, 306. Cassidy, H. M., degree, 78. Castenholz, W. B., appointment, 247, 793, 798. introduced, 272. Castillo, C. C, degree, 77. Castle, Ora B., appointment, 842. Castle, R. D. V., degree, 952. Castonas, John, appointment, 830. Caswell, O., degree, 79. Catalog department, budget, 808. Cataloging, appropriation, 294. Cattle feeding plant, report on, 866. Cavalry troop, request for organization, 164. Cavanaugh, J. A., appointment, 129, 841. Centennial, semi, of the University, 282. Ceramic Engineering, advisory board, 9. authority to appoint head of department, 881. budget, 47, 799. Ceramics Building, bids, 300. contract awarded, 302. cost of extras, 897. expenditures, 212. extension of time, 837. estimate for completion of, .934. furniture for, 939. heating, plumbing, and wiring contract awarded, 302. plans authorized, 228. report on, 866. Ceramics Committee, appointment to, 226. Cemetery, Mt. Hope, lease renewed, 224. Certificates of honors for scholarship authorized, 197. Chain Grate Stokers, bid awarded, 63. Chambers, W. H., appointment, 805. degree, 306. Champlin, Grace E., degree, 955. Champlin, H. G., degree, 82. Chand, H., degree, 306. Chandler, E. M. A., appointment, 48, 248. fellowship, 943. Chang, T. T.f degree, 954. Chauvet, P., appointment 128, 839. Chapman, E. N., degree, 305. Chapman, R. D. C, degree, 304. Charlton, E. E., degree, 310. research fellowship, 944. Charlton, E. P., appointment, 48, 794. Chartrand, J. B., degree, 953. Chase, D., degree, 76. Chase, K. T., degree, 74. Chase, W. A., appointment, 51, 798. Chassell, L. M., appointment, 249. Chatten, C. E., degree, 952. Checkley, J. H., appointment, 54, 804. Chemical apparatus, order for, 877. Chemical Engineering, curriculum in, 855. requirements for graduation, 295. Chemical laboratory addition, bids opened, 103. appropriation for, 871. . contract awarded, 105. Chemicals, request for importation, 136. Chemistry Building, change in contract, 226. cost of extras, 897. estimate for completion of, 934. report on, 866. settlement delayed, 937. strike, 783. Chemistry, department of, appropriations for, 921. budget, 47, 794. College of Medicine, budget, 831. curriculum in, 296.. requirements for graduation, 295. Summer Session appointments, 249,


Chen, D. S., degree, 952. Cheng, Y. T., degree, 304. Chenoweth, H. E., appointment, 51. degree, 309. Chesrown, D. M., degree, 76. Chestnutt, R. C, degree, 76. Chew, Dorothy, degree, 951. Chicago Board of Education, extension of note, 848. Chicago Title and Trust Company, premiums on policy, 878. Chicago, University of, proposed committee, 236. Chien, S. S., degree, 75. Chinlund, J. P., degree, 80. Chittenden, E. W., appointment, 50, 797, 893 Chitty, W. C, gift of books by, 810. Choisser, R. M., appointment, 927. Christensen, E. O., degree, 75. Christopher, B. P., degree, 77. Christy, Glenn, appointment, 59. degree, 307, 951. Christy, Otto, degree, 954. Chuang, T., degree, 76. Churchill, J. E., degree, 76. Cienciara, Felicia H., degree, 308. Cieslik, Edmund, degree, 953. Cigrand, B. J., appointment, 128, 840. Cisar, G. W., degree, 83. Civil Engineering, courses in, credit for in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 930. Civil Engineering, department, budget, 52, 799. expenditure, 215. Civil Service employees, medical examiner for, 192. Civil Service examinations, 918. protest from Dean of the College of Agriculture, 886. Claar, E. A., degree, 303. Claflin, S.' T., degree, 75. Clark, A. A., degree, 956. Clark, A. H., appointment, 807. Clark, C. A., degree, 77. Clark, C. C, appointment, 129, 841. Clark, Carrie P., degree, 957. Clark, C. R., appointment, 52, 799. degree, 80. Clark, C. W., degree, 309. Clark, P. E., appointment, 248. degree, 959. Clark, George, degree, 954. Clark, H. E., degree, 953. Clark, H., appointment, 249. Clark, Helen, degree, 959. Clark, J. R., degree, 953. Clark, K. A., degree, 959. Clark, Meribah E., degree, 951. Clark, T. A., appointment, 49. 792, 795. Clark, W. A., appointment, 129, 841. Clarke, D.' R., degree, 74. Clarke, E., degree, 75. Clarke, Helen B., degree, 303. Clarkson, A. J., degree, 954. Classical museum, proposed, 202. Classics, department of, budget, 48, 795. Classification of employees of Agricultural Experiment Station, 201. Claus, Robert, degree, 936. Clausen, Clara A., degree, 951. Clausen, E. J., degree, 77. Clayberg, Dorothea M., degree, 953. Clayberg. H. D.. appointment, 794. fellowship, 943. Claypool, B. W., degree, 956. Cleghorn, L. B., degree, 74. Clemence, Hazel, appointment, 805. Clement, C. C . appointment, 130, 840. Clements, O. R., degree, 74. 955. Clerk-hire, allowance, 219, 780. Cleveland, M. B., degree, 311. Clevenger, C. B., appointment, 55, 803.