UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1420]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916
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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Callon Brothers, bid and contract, Women's Residence Hall, 948. Campbell, D. J., degree, 954. Campbell, G. A., degree, 74. Campbell, W. F., commission, 312. Campus plans and architecture, committee, 226. commission on, 868. lighting, expenditure, 210. Canaday, Lora A., degree, 303. Canfield, R. M., degree, 74. Canham, G. E., degree, 83. Cann, Jessie Y., appointment, 48, 794. Canter, H. V., appointment, 49, 250, 793, 795, 892. Capron, H. S., bond, 232. elected Treasurer, 219. report, 780. Capron, M. J., degree, 956. Card, H. S., scholarship, 944. Car line on Lincoln Avenue, 246. letter from Supervising Architect, 285. Carl Martin James Collection accepted, 773. Carls, F. G., degree, 82. Carlsen, A. W., degree, 305. Carlson, Carrie E., degree, 951. Carlson, L. R., degree, 952. Carman, A, P., appointment, 53, 801. Carmichael, R. D., appointment, 280, 797. Carmichael, W. J., appointment, 56, 804. degree, 958. letter, enlistment in National Guard, 44. Carnahan, D. H., appointment, 51, 797. Summer Session appointment, 250, 892. Carnahan, W. E., degree, 82. Carncross, Helen, appointment, 840. Carnegie pension for Mrs. Burrill, 947. Carney, J. G., degree, 82. Carney, Mary V., degree, 303. Carothers, H. C , appointment, 166, 203. Carpenter, C. E., appointment, 108, 807. Carpenter, C. K., degree, 305. Carpenter, F. E., degree, 956. Carr, E. C, degree, 308. Carr, R. F., Buildings and Grounds Committee, 248. Engineering Committee, 248. Executive Committee, 219, 917. telegram of sympathy for, 917. Carrier, G. V., degree, 74. Carrier, Pauline A., degree, 78. Carrighan, E. F., appointment, 841. Carroll, D. B., degree, 304. Carroll, F. O., degree, 954. . Carroll, W. E., degree, 80. Carroll, W. F., appointment, 856. . degree, 956. Carry, C. S., appointment, 51, 250, 797, 892. Cary, G. F. S., appointment, 841. Carson, Payson Company, bids, 104. contract for plumbing, chemical laboratory, 105. Carstensen, A. B., degree, 956. Carter, Alice, degree, 304. Carter, C. E., appointment, 250. Carter, I. R.. degree, 74. Carter, Lucile, degree, 307. Cartwright, C. F., degree, 76. Cary, F. S.., appointment, 129. Car wheels, test on, 884. Casad, Amanda K.. collection, presented to University, 941. Case, H. C. N., appointment, 841. Cases for entomology collections, 851. Casey, E. F., degree, 956. Cash statement, 313, 962. Cash receipts, 66, 84. 813. Casner, Sidney, appointment, 184. degree, 74. Cass, C. H., degree, 83.

Burkhart, P. H., degree, 953. Burling, W. M.,' degree, 956. Burlison, W. L., appointment, 55, 29S, 841, 891. degree, 310. Burmeister, W. H., appointment, 62, 63, 832, 841. Burnett, W., Jr., degree, 76. Burns, Byron, appointment, 944. Burns, C. C, degree, 954. Burns, F. B., degree, 74, Burns, Josephine E., appointment, 50. Burns, O. M., degree, 951. Burr Company, contract awarded, 64. Burrell, T. H., degree, 953. final honors, 960. Burrill, T. J., letter concerning forestry, 897. resolutions concerning, 943. Burrill, Mrs. T. J., Carnegie pension for, 947. Bursar, resignation, 187. Burt, H. J., degree, 80. Burton, L. V., appointment, 47, 132, 248. degree, 80. Burton, S. C, appointment, 52. Burwash, Mary G., degree, 955. Burwash, R. S., degree, 954. Burwash, T. C, degree, 74. Busey, Mary E., Buildings and Grounds Committee, 248. Library Committee, chairman, 248. Students' Welfare Committee, 248. Busey, M. W., interest on daily balances, 205,-780. payment of interest, 782. report, 116, 205, 282, 780. Bush, F. A., degree, 304. Bush, K. B., commission in Illinois National Guard, 961. degree, 953. Business Law, credit for in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 930. Business Organization and Operation, credit for in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 930. Business Office, applications for positions, 228. budget, 793. double entry accounts, 288. expenditures, 211, 787. increase in salaries, 224. readjustment in, 222. report of, 812. duBusson, J. P., degree, 79. Butler, G. H., commission, 312. degree, 305. Butler, J. C , .degree, 76. Butler, W. G., degree, 77. Butler. W. N., degree, 78. Butt, H. M., degree, 76. Butts, J. C, degree, 936. Buttonmaker, M. A., degree, 75. Butzer, Byrdie B., degree, 304. Butzer, Verna V., degree, 304. Butzow, E. B., degree, 74. Buxton, E. W., degree, 959. Bye, H. W., degree, 307. Byford, H. T., appointment, 129. Byford, H. T., appointment, 840. Byland, T. C, appointment, 944. Byrne, H. A., degree, 75. Cadet Corps, authorization for additional companies, 44. San Francisco, proposed trip, 156. field guns for, 156. organization of additional battalion, 246. summer camp expenses, 246. uniforms, change in, 157, 192. Cadle, C. J., degree. 952. Cafeteria, cash receipts, 813. Taldwell. L. R., degree, 306. Callen, A. C, appointment, 53, 781, 800.