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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1416 , UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS. Bacon, H., letter, campus plans, 226. Bacon, R. H., degree, 953. Barrett, C. M.f appointment, 129. Bacteriology, appropriation for, 921. College of Medicine, budget, 832. Bacteriology, department of, appointments, 63. budget, 47, 794. laboratory fees, 40. Bade, C. H., degree, 305. Bade, C. W., degree, 310. Baechtold, Elsie, appointment, 59, 184, 808. degree, 955. Boehmer, A. C, degree, 82. Bagley, W. C, appointment, 49, 250, 795. letter, L. D. Coffman, 247. letter, organization of practice school, 768. readjustment of work, 884. Bagusin, A. M., degree, 305; Bailey, J. W., degree, 305. Bailey, L. P., degree, 305. Bailie, R. 1YI., degree, 75. Bair, W. H., degree, 80. Bailey, E.- W., appointment, 57, 805. Bailey, LaForce, degree, 958. Bain, W. B., degree, 954. Bainbridge, Oliver, letter concerning expedition to South Seas, 948. Baines, A. E», degree, 74. Bake, E. L.., appointment, 63, 834. Baker, A. M. M., Jr., degree, 306. Baker, A. W., degree, 74. Baker, H. L,., appointment, 129, 840. Baker, H. T., appointment, 915. Baker, I. O., appointment, 52, 799. portrait presented, 281. resignation as head of department, 243. resolutions for, 243. Baker, R. E., degree, 78. Baker, S. L., degree, 242. Baker, W. E., degree, 952. final honors, 960. Bakhshi, S. R., degree, 954. Balance, 1915, budget, 785. Balances, July 1, 1915, 210; July 1, 1916, 785. daily, interest on, 209, 780. monthly, 2Q2, 210. reappropriated, 811. treasurer's, interest rate on, 205, 219. Baldwin, E. C„ appointment, 49, 795. Baldwin, P. M.. appointment, 927, 841. Baldwin, Janet C, degree, 951. Baldwin, L. S., degree, 952, 953. Balke, C. W., appointment, 47, 249, 794, 892. resignation, 938. Balkema, Salome R., degree, 951. Ball, J. D., degree, 311. Ball, T. R.. appointment, 48, 248. degree, 80, 959. Ballenger, H., appointment, 129. Ballon, J. Li., degree, 76. Bamberger, A., appointment, 129, 840. Band, concerns, charge for chairs, 281. Bane, P. M., Jr., degree, 306. Bank balances, interest, 209. Banks, M. P., appointment, 869. Barber, H. T., degree, 77. Barber, J. K., degree, 951. Barber, Julia M., degree, 309. Barber, P. C, degree, 76. Barbre, C, appointment, 48. degree, 75, 310. Barden, H. E., appointment, 184. commission, 312. degree, 306. Bar dwell, Anna L., degree, 951. Bargh, G. H., degree, 74. Barickman, R. L, degree, 956. Barker, B. A., degree, 306. Barkman. C. P., degree, 303. Barlow, R. L., degree, 307. Art and design, department of, budget, 47, 793. expenditure, 212, 787. Summer Session appointments, 249. Artillery, Battery of, 839, 858. leave of absence for members of staff, 921. Arzapalo, E. G., degree, 305, Ash, P., appointment, 52, 799. Ashbeck, W. L., degree, 953. Ashburn, C. M., degree, 75. Ashmore, P., degree, 82. Ashworth, J. P., degree, 82. Assessment for paving, notice of, 295. Assignment of land near south farm, 220. Assistant professors, list of, 16. Assistants, list of, 21. to Curators, 103. Graduate, 24. Military, 24. student, 24. Associates, list of, 17. Association of Manufacturers of Chilled Car Wheels, cooperative tests, 884. Astronomy, department of, budget, 47, 794. Atkins, E. L., degree, 306. Atkinson, C. E., appointment, 793. Attebery, * C: M., degree, 77. Attebery, H. F., degree, 954. Attendance, authority of Council of Administration, 160. Attorney General, opinion, proposed Universities committee on Medical education, 238. Atwell, C. A., appointment, 138, 800. Atwood, L. P., degree, 959. Audit company, employment of, 235, 851, 949. Audit report, 117, 199, 232, 811, 899, 912. Audit of Treasurer's accounts, 284. Auditor, State, account, 199. demand for University funds, 228. reconciliation with, 270, 825. Auditorium, report on acoustics, 241. expenditures, 210. use by State Teachers' Association, 247. Augustus, E. K., degree, appointment, 77, 81, 804. Augustus, R. E., degree, 954. Aumer, J. P., appointment, 55, 802. Automatic Coal weighing scales, bids, 64. Automobile truck, authorization for purchase, 63. request by department of horticulture, 47. for operating department, 860. purchase of, 829. Aust, P. A., appointment, 57. Austin, A. K, degree, 78. Austin, B. S., Jr., degree, 307. Austin, H. E., degree, 306. final honors, 312. Auten, J. T., degree, 954. Avery, J. M., degree, 75. Axelson, Alice G., degree, 304. Azuzano, M., degree, 308. Babbitt, A., degree, 309. Babbitt, H. E., appointment, 53, 801. Babcock, Jennie M., degree, 951. Babcock, K. C, appointment, 793. letter concerning laboratory fees, 40. Babcock & Wilcox, gift, engineering apparatus, 939. Bach, E. G., appointment, 138. Bachelor of Science, degree of, requirements for, 931. entrance requirements for in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 931. Bachelle, C. V., appointment, 129, 840. Bacher, H. R., degree, 305. Bacon, C. S., appointment, 129, 840. Bacon, G. A., appointment, 83.
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