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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX. Agronomy, department of—Concluded. fellowships, 248. field expenses, 886. departmental sales, 215, 785. Ainsworth, H. F., degree, 306. Ainswortji, H. G., degree, 306. Akers, Miriam C, scholarship, 943. Alband, Laura A., degree, 304. Altain, H. C, degree, 306. • Albrecht, D. A., degree, 952. Albrecht, W. A., appointment, 248. degree, 77, 309. fellowship, 943. Albright, R. B., degree, 74. Alden, H. R., degree, 956, Alderi, E. S., appointment, 49, 796. Alden, J. L., degree, 76. Alden, S. J., degree, 307. Aleshire, S. L., degree, 77. Alexander, D., appointment, 129, 841. Alexander, J. A., degree, 952. Alexander, Lilla, appointment, 59. Alexander, L. M., appointment, 229. Allais, Eugenie, degree, 951. Allen, Alice A., degree, 951. Allen, C. H., degree, 78. Allen, E. V., degree, 954. Allen, P. O., degree, 951. Allen, Josephine, appointment, 103, 833. Allen, Louis, appointment, 51, 797. degree, 309. Allen, O. W., appointment, 249. degree, 303, 957. fellowship, 944. Allen, P. G., degree, 951. Allen, P. W., appointment, 131, 805. Allen, R. C, degree, 77. Allen, R. W., appointment, 48. Alley, W. E., appointment, 53, 800.' Allison, I. D., appointment, 57, 805. Allison, W. A.:. degree, 951, 954. scholarship, 943. Allyn, O. M., appointment, 55, 803. Aloysius, G. M., degree, 959. Alumni Quarterly, expenditure, 212, 787. Alvord, C. W., appointment, 50, 270, 796. request, Mississippi Valley Historical Association, 281. Alvord, Genevieve, degree, 951. Alyea, M. C, degree, 954. Arhborn, Louise, degree, 951. Ambrose, A. S., degree, 77. American Chemical Society, invitation to meet in Urbana, 246. American Game Protective Association, 838.. American Institute of Architects Medal, 932, 960. Amos, D. X, degree, 954. Amos, Winifred, appointment, 793. Amsbarry, P. D., degree, 953. Amsbary, H. A., degree, 76. Amsterdam. Harry, appointment, 249. degree, 957. Anatomy, apparatus for, 860. Anatomy, comparative, College of Dentistry, budget, 834. Anatomy, department of, appointments, 63. budget, 831. Ancient Order of Hibernians, prize, 932. Anderegg, F. O.. appointment, 927. Anderle, E. J., degree, 75. Anders, Paul, appointment. 48, 794. Anderson, A. E., degree, 83. Anderson, A. J. A., appointment, 248, 305. degree, 310, 958. Anderson, B. F., degree, 307. Anderson, C. J., degree, 304. Anderson, C. S., degree, 77. scholarship, 943. Anderson, F. M., appointment, 893. Anderson, I., degree, 78, 306. 1415 Anderson, J. H., degree, 76,. Anderson, K. A., degree, 307. Anderson, O. H., degree, 954. Anderson, R., degree, 75. Anderson, R. E., degree, 956. Anderson, R. J., degree, 242. Anderson, S. H., degree, 307. Anderson, W. S., degree, 76. Anderson, W. F., degree, 306. Anderson, W. W., degree, 305. Andresen, H. H. L., degree, 305. Andrews, C. B., degree, 77. Andrews, J. A., degree, 306. Andrews, J. B., appointment, 131, 804. Andrews, R. C , degree, 951. Andronescu, D. L, degree, 79, 310. Andros, S. O., appointment, 53, 800, 802. leave of absence, 858. Angarola, M. L., degree, 305. Animal Husbandry, appropriations for, 819. Animal Husbandry, department of, 56/ budget, 214, 803. cash receipts, 813. credit in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 930. laboratory appropriation, 46. land for feeding plant, 121. Animal keeper, appointment, 103. Anthony, C. B., degree, 75. Apelle, C. G,, degree, 956. Apple, C. H., degree, 76. Applegate, A. A., degree, 74. Appointments, 47, 62, 63, 83, 102, 108, 127, 131, 138, 166, 184, 203, 204, 229, 270, 280, 281, 286, 297, 298, 781, 826, 839, 841, 85.6, 869, 881, 915, 927, 944. Summer Session, 249. Appointment to committees, 203, 248, 781. Appointments Committee, 781. Appropriation bills, authority to present to legislature, 225. memorandum for, 233. status of, 282, 773. Approval of budget, 217. Approval of minutes, 102, 114, 230, 272, 301, 767. Arakelian, S. H., degree, 308. Arber, F. V., degree, 951. ' Architect, State, agreement with, 105. payment of bill, 106. relations with University, 42. see Dibelka, J. B. Architect, Supervising, appointment, 123. budget, 122, 134. office of, 12. see White, J. M. Architecture, Department of, budget 52, 799. authority to appoint professor of, 772. College of, proposed, 280. courses in, credit in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 930. Plym fellowship awarded, 82, 245. Architects, Illinois Society of, resolutions, 861. Aristotle's Ethics, gift of, 942. Armington, Dorothy M., degree, 303. Armour, P. F., degree, 304. Armstrong, Delia E., degree, 304. Armstrong, E. K., appointment, 128, 839. Armstrong, L. F., degree, 306. Armstrong, V. S.. degree, 308. Armstrong, W. C, appointment, 184. commission, 312. degree, 306. Arneson, Mabel L., appointment, 103, 830. Arnold, H. C, degree, 75. honors, 81. Aron, Fannie L., degree, 936.
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