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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
142 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . SCHEDULE 1. SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS AS AT SEPT. 30, 1914. [Nov. 14, Balance. Cash receipts Schedule 2. State revenue. Total. University T r e a s u r e r United States Agricultural Experiment Trusts Petty c a s h Bursar Secretary, College of Medicine Actuary, School of Pharmacy Vice Director, Agricultural Experiment Station State Auditor— Operation, maintenance and equipments Buildings, land and equipment Water survey and investigation Total $71,783 11 274 83 3,451 31 5,000 00 300 00 250 00 600 00 $192,466 25 7,519 50 19,730 97 $ 264,249 36 7,794 33 23,182 28 5,000 00 300 00 250 00 600 00 $1,600,000 650,000 21,500 15,000 00 00 00 00 1,600.000 650,000 23,810 20,473 00 00 56 58 2,310 56 5,473 58 $89,443 39 $219,716 72 $2,286,500 00 $2,595,660 11 S C H E D U L E 1—Concluded. Balances. Items. Totals. Disbursements Schedule 3. University T r e a s u r e r General United States Agricultural Experiment Station Trusts Petty c a s h Bursar Secretary, College of Medicine Actuarv, School of P h a r m a c y ;.... Vice Director, Agricultural Experiment Station State A u d i t o r Operation, maintenance and equipment Buildings, land and equipment W a t e r survey and investigation Mechanics and Miners' Institutes Total $83,404 29 5,788 41 3.306 40 $180,845 07 2.005 92 19.875 88 $5,000 00 300 00 250 00 600 00 $ 202,726 87 6,150 00 401,450 122,788 5,675 5,191 06 $1,198,549 94 46 527,211 54 38 18,135 18 89 15,281 69 1,759,178 35 $1,968,055 22 $627,604 89 SCHEDULE 2. CASH RECEIPTS SEPTEMBER, 1914. Previously reported. GENERAL FUND. Month ending Sept. 30, 1914. Total receipts. Agricultural College and Experiment S t a t i o n Press service Agronomy C o l l e g e F a r m Mechanics , Soil Fertility Soil Physics $ 67 60 33 40 270 05 43 75 $10 00 50 $ 77 60 33 40 270 55 43 75
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