Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1336 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . INSTRUCTION VOUCHERS—Continued. [May 18, No. Date. 1916 To whom. For what. I I I General supplies. 9100| May 18 American Felt Co 9101 . -do [Library Bureau. 91021 The Wistar Institute of Anatomy & 9103 . .do.... Carnegie Institution of Washington... 9104 .. do Spencer Lens Co , 9105 .. do Bishop-Babcock-Becker Co 9106 Mrs. N. B. Moore... 9107 W. H . Salisbury & Co 9108 Thomas J. Dee & Co 9109| Geo. W. Brady & Co 9110 Mrs. L. C. Branum 1 9111 Calumet Laundry Co 9112 Kasen's Express & Van Co 9113 . .do The Norwich Pharmacal Co 9114 . .do Fuller-Morrisson Co 9115! Eimer & Amend 9116 . .do.... C. L. Frame Dental Supply Co 9117 . . d o . . . . A. Daigger & Co 9118 Marshall Field & Co 9119 Barron Bros. Coal Co 9120|May 19 Illinois Printing Co 9121 . .do Spencer Lens Co 9122|. .do Republic Box Co 9123 Carl S. Metzger 9124 . . d o . . . . Parke, Davis &Co , 9125 .. do Fuller-Morrisson Co 9126 Marshall Field & Co 9127 . . d o . . . . Sweet Wallach & Co 9128|. .do Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co 9129 . . do Neostyle Co 9130|. . d o . . . . Heath & MilliganMfg. Co 9131 . . d o . . . . A. C. McClurg&Co 9132 . .do Western Lumber Co 9133 Illinois Malleable Iron Co 9134 Atlas School Supply Co 9135 .. do Scully Steel & Iron Co 9136 . .do Underwood & Underwood 9137 . .do.... Tuttle & Clark 9138 Shavings & Sawdust Co 9139 do Star & Crescent Milling Co 9140| do Prairie State Incubator Co 9141 H. D. Brown : 9142 do.... Ellis McFarland 9143 C. G, Hopkins 9144 .do.... H.C.Wheeler 9145 .do.... S . V . H o l t . . , 9146 . d o — R . W. Dickenson 9147 . do.... F. W. Wascher 9148 .do.... C. C. Logan 9149, .do.... Wm. O. Roessler ' 9150| .do.... F. A. Wyatc 9151 .do.... O. M.AIlyn 9152 .do.... A.N.Abbott 9153 .do C. M. Linsley 9154 .do.... H . P . R u s k 9155 .do.... Ellis McFarland 91561 . do.... W. H. Smith 9157 . d o — Florence Stoutzenberg ' 9158 .do.... W. S. Brock 9159 . . d o . . . . E. H. Sargent&Co 9160 . d o — M. E. Thompson, Cashier 9161 . d o — M. E. Thompson, Cashier 9162| M. E. Thompson, Cashier 9163 do M. E. Thompson, Cashier 9164 do.... M. E. Thompson, Cashier 9165 do.... M. E. Thompson, Cashier 91661 . . d o — |H. S. Capron, Treasurer $ 3 56 2 25 4 00 52 50 13 73 1 50 15 00 4 47 79 20 12 00 5 65 4 87 11 78 17 50 4 95 23 97 28 95 47 50 5 45 4 01 421 19 777 85 10 00 75 00 67 62 5 50 27 30 • 3 00 2 35 1 50 6 60 26 39 47 93 1 75 4 32 3 32 47 60 13 06 84 00 532 00 22 50 9 89 20 00 21 64 26'89 32 20 53 41 32 14 37 42 26 69 9 06 16 35 17 52 12 99 14 28 8 39 7 65 30 00 23 08 28 00 39 00 6 50 29 30 188 38 149 43 76 34 Biology Books Laboratory apparatus. Laboratory supplies... Museum specimens General supplies Laboratory supplies... Blue printing Sundries do Express (Sundries Laboratory supplies... do do do ,... General supplies , Printing Laboratory apparatus. General supplies Expert services General supplies Laboratory supplies... General supplies do do do do do do do do do do , Feeding stuffs Machinery and tools... Traveling expenses Lectures and recitals... Traveling expenses do do do do do do do do do do do , Student labor • Traveling expenses General supplies Machinery and tools... I 9167 .. do.... iPay roll Alley, W. E Barnes, Mary G ^ Beadles, Jessie R B oswell, H. C Brownfield, Lelah H Buchanan, Harold C Buckles, Mildred Byland, T. C Salaries Student asst Miscellaneous bills do Material furnished from Univer296 11 sitv storeroom May', 1916 4,409 15 Salary ! $100 00 do 65 00 do 65 001 do 50 00 do '50 00 do 70 00 do 65 00 do 50 00