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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1284 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . INSTRUCTION VOUCHERS—Continued. [Feb. 15, No. Date. To whom. For what. Amount. I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I 1916 6323 Feb. 15 H. Swannell & Son 6324 ..do.... Leavitt Mfg. Co 6325 ..do.... Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. 6326 ..do.... D. H. Lloyde 6327 ..do.... Economy Drawing Table Co 6328 ..do.... Hunter, Rourke & Co 6329 ..do.... Pensacola Tar & Turpentine Co.. 6330 ..do.... W. F. M. Goss 6331 ..do.... Ennis Hay Co 6332 Feb. 16 M. E. Thompson, Cashier 6333 ..do.... M. E. Thompson, Cashier 6334 ..do.... Pay roll Laboratory supplies . Coke. Laboratory apparatus., General supplies Office e q u i p m e n t . . . . . . General supplies Crude oil Traveling expenses Alfalfa hay Labor bills do February, 1916 Salary .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do -do.. .do .do .do .do .do .do ..do .do .do .do ..do .do ..do .do ..do .do -do .do ..do .do .do .do .do ..do .do .do .do .do ..do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do ..do .do ..do ..do ..do ..do. ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do $100 00 65 00 65 00 50 00 70 00 65 001 70 001 50 00! 65 00 50 00 70 00| 50 00 75 00| 50 00 55 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 55 00 90 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 100 00 50 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 . 100 00 60 00 65 00 70 00 55 00 60 00 45 00 90 001 50 00, . • 91 66 50 00 60 00 50 00 . 100 00 45 00 60 00 65 00 . 100 00| . 55 00 55 00| 55 00 50 001 75 OOl 65 00J 95 00 65 00 50 00| . 80 00] 65 00 45 00 55 00] . 50 00 . 45 00 . 55 00 . 70 00 . 65 00 . 70 00 7 35 9 75 131 50 1 16 23 04 1 35 3 10 8 51 161 26 334 18 133 16 ,794 15 (Alley, W . E Barnes, Mary G Beadles, Jessie R Brownfield, Lelah H Buchanan, Harold C Buckles. MildredE Clemence, Hazel Coogan, Jane Cover, Hazel W Craigmile, Jeannette Crawford, C.C Cuerden, Fay Custer, Emma L Dalton, C. E Davis, Vera M Fieg, Robert J Garwood, Frances. Garwood, Helen Geyer, Helen Glenn, Eleanor Goodspeed,W. S Gordon; MarieJl Griffith, Mabel F Halliday, Mabel Hamilton, Mrs. Alice Hammitt, Susan Harper, Julia Hathaway, Kenneth Hayes, Margaret L Hayes, James Bert Hayward, Nellie Heater, Myrtle Hull,A.H Jay, Edith L Lahr, Lawrence D Leitz, Louise A Lonius, J. O Luther, Ida Louise McGurty, Agnes Mclntire, "W. A McMillen, Mary B Manley, Verna Manspeaker, Lotta M Meachum, Leola Merchant, Donna B Meseck, Rudolph Miller, C. F Mock, Forrest Nagle, Sybil.. Nyberg, Florence A . Oliver, Flossie M Packard, Bessie Peel, Thomas Pergande, R o b e r t . . . Peters, Helen A Probst, Alice Ressler, Milton Rhoads, Hazel Riggs, Bess Rock, Hazel L Rogers, Delia M Rohweder, E m m a . . Ross, Anne Scanlan, Mary Slater, Sarah M Smith, Mayme L . . . . « ,.
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